'Yes, I do.' He crossed his arms and cocked his brow smugly.

'You are just like Kenny...' I hissed.

'Take that back!' He slammed his fist on the table and jumped to his feet.

'No. And I'm done with you and with this conversation.' I stood up too.

'This conversation ends when I say so, damn it!' His thundering voice shook the walls.

We were staring daggers at each other across the table.

'You are impossible.' I shouted with him. I was so mad at him...

'No, you are impossible.' He shouted too.

'You are acting childish and stupid and I am going on that promo tour and there is nothing you can do about it. Good night!' I turned on my heel and marched off.

'Saori!' He yelled. 'Saori, if you walk out that door tomorrow, I swear...'

'Yes? What will you do then?' I turned back.

'You will never see me again.'

'Good.' I squinted. 'Maybe this relationship was a mistake after all.'

'Is this your final word?' He glared at me.


'Very well.' He nodded and headed to the door.

'Just go!' I grabbed a cushion and threw it after him. 'Idiot!'

He slammed the door when he left.

I was tossing and turning in bed restlessly for hours. I was still agitated. We've never shouted with each other like this and he's never walked out on me before. At last, he came home.

'Nobunaga?' I sat up in the bed.

He didn't even look at me when he passed by the bedroom.

'Maybe you were right and this was a mistake.' His tone was cold and aloof, like he was talking to a stranger.

'So that's it?' I felt a lump in my throat.

He didn't answer, just slumped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I sank my face in my hands and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and he was already gone. His watch was on the table. The elegant dress watch was the first proper birthday present I'd given him and he wore it all the time. He has never left it home before. I discovered a long crack across the crystal. Something else was broken too. Perhaps beyond repair...

I packed up my suitcase and headed to the train station with a heavy heart.

He never called or texted me. After the second week I was sure it was over. Luckily, during the promo tour I received so much love and positivity from everyone, I somehow managed to forget about my aching heart and enjoy the journey. At least until I wasn't all by myself in a hotel room. The nights were the worst...

One month just flew by and I had to go home. When my flight landed in Osaka I still kindled a faint ember of hope in my heart that he would be waiting for me. But he wasn't there. I cried throughout the whole train ride. Even when I arrived before my building, I sat in the taxi for a long time, waiting for some kind of miracle that would save me from going up.

'Miss, are you going to get out or what?' The taxi driver turned to me slightly annoyed.

'What? Oh, yes of course.' I shook my head.

I rummaged through the content of my handbag looking for my purse. I touched something cold and smooth in there and my heart made a loud thump.

When I stepped inside, everything looked exactly how I'd left it. Benny was on the bed, the sword was still on the rack.

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