White day

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Nobunaga was sitting on the floor, humming some ancient melody I didn't know, while polishing his sword before the big day. He was totally immersed. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him.

'Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?' He grumbled without looking up.

'I keep messing up my nails. I'm too clumsy with my left hand.' I sighed.

'I'll help you.' He set aside his sword and came to me. 'What do I do?'

Step by step, I instructed him how to paint my nails. His strokes were precise and meticulous. He was concentrating so hard, he furrowed his eyebrows and my puny little heart was about to burst. Agh, so cute!

'Why are you staring?' He glanced up.

'How could I not stare when you look so precious?' I chuckled. 'Now, the top coat to make it glossy and glamorous.'

'It is glossy and glamorous.' He looked satisfied his masterpiece.

'You did an excellent job. Thank you, Sweetheart!' I kissed him on his forehead. 'And now we wait.'

'Your hands are so small and delicate...' He placed them on his cheeks. 'You know how much I love you, right?'

'Uh-oh... What did you break?' I raised my eyebrow.

'I'm appalled by your ill-founded presumption.' He huffed.

'Come on, Mister Oda! Confess!' I squinted.

He hesitated a bit then spat it out. 'Tomorrow, I might kiss another woman.'

'Okay.' I nodded.

'I can't believe it worked...' He trailed off.

'What worked?' I tilted my head.

'Sasuke said that the best time to tell a woman news that might upset her is when her nail polish is drying because she can't attack then.'

I laughed so hard. 'The love guru strikes again...'

'So you are not mad?'

'No.' I shook my head and smiled at him reassuringly. 'As a supportive girlfriend I'll stand by you and encourage you on your path. I have my faith in you, Nobunaga.'

'I am truly favored by the gods.' He spoke affectionately and lifted my hands to his lips.

'I have one condition, though.'

'Speak!' And laid kisses on the pads of my fingers.

'I demand a hundred kisses for every kiss you lay on another woman.' I pressed my brows to his.

'I'll give you a thousand.' He whispered and showered me with sweet little kisses.

I went to a fancy hotel with the girls where Mina's new boyfriend was the bartender. So the cocktails just kept coming. I was sexting with Nobunaga, giggling to myself and barely listening to the others. Yuki suddenly snatched my phone from my hands.


'We know you two are all lovey-dovey but no phones, remember?' She scolded me.

'I'm sorry!' I bowed apologetically. 'Can I have phone back now?'

'No.' She grinned mischievously and typed something.

Send nudes!

'Oh no, you didn't!' I tried to grab hold of my phone but Mina and Asami were pulling me back.

'You should be ashamed, Yuki! And you too, you traitors!' I stuck my tongue out at them. 'Too bad, this is definitely not gonna work. He is a noble man, he stands above such things.'

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