Chapter 12: Destruction of The Trapped

Start from the beginning

The air around them thickened with blistering heat, the shaman screaming in the background as he was burned alive and cooked. Senku growled but made no move yet. "You..."

Yuya glared, anger, hate, and murder inside his vibrant, glowing orbs. He hated this man with everything he had, he hated how he forced him to marry, so much so that he got cursed.

Yes, even though Senku was handsome, he had shown enough evidence to Yuya that he was cruel and sadistic, torturing and making other's lives miserable.

Yuya would admit, he had lost control of himself in the past and hurt people, but he did not torture or kill them, and he would feel guilty after, horrid even.

"Yuya..." He heard Yuto whisper.

Yuya glanced over to the dragon, his splendor glowing like the dark flames he possessed. The blood on his shoulder had slowly stopped, the wound healing slowly and steadily. Yuya could not help but smile. "Stay still.." he whispered.

Yuto was about to protest, if only Yuya did not turn back to Senku.

The man was fuming and shaking in anger, the crimson eyed male narrowed his eyes. "Fight me instead..." the youth taunted, feeling renewed courage and determination surge through him.

Senku, from the taunting his supposed bride had thrown, snapped and lunged eith a crazed yell, sword held high.

Yuto yelled in alarm and tried to run to Yuya's side but found he could not. A barrier was blocking him, trapping him in its embrace. The dragon banged with his still unwounded arm on the invisible wall.


Yuya smiled and glanced over at Yuto. He mouthed; "I love you, Yuto... forever..."

Yuto screamed.

A tear fell out from Yuya's eye.




Senku's eyes widened as Yuya did not scream when the sword stabbed his stomach. "Why...?" he whispered.

The boy coughed out blood, one of his eye closing tightly from the pain. He did not dare breath and instead placed his hands on the sword, letting it slide around the edge causing more blood to spill as his palm was sliced open. He stared up at Senku with one eye, burning with anger and resolve. "You.. are... not... worthy... of my hand!" he snapped.

Yuto was crying in the background, tears spilling down his handsome face as he banged his hands helplessly against the barrier that was around him. "Yuya!"

Yuya closed his eyes. 'I'm sorry, Yuto... but I must do this...'

He could feel his life draining... he just knew it wouldn't be long now.

Senku felt the blood drain from his face as he watched his bride's eyes close and his hands start to twitch.

No... the power that was locked inside him was resurfacing and the necromancer feared it.

Yuya's eyes snapped open, no longer the gentle red, now, they were glowing like hot stars, bloody, ferocious, and murderous. His hands started twitching more and he stared up at Senku, a sneer on his face. Crimson sparks began to surround him, mixed in with the power of light and dark, his form almost being enveloped by it.

And with one final word that decided their whole lives, uttered; "Raging Fury... Seal unchain..."

Bright light exploded violently, mixed in with blood, light, and dark wisps.

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