Chapter 2: Chased Out and Captured

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"Chapter 2: Chased Out And Captured"

A few weeks since Yuya's mom passed away, the people had returned to their normal everyday lives, seemingly having forgotten that Yuya's guardian had passed away. The tomato haired boy was currently locked inside his own room, sitting upon the far wall, where light could not reach him. The young teen cried his eyes out, every night. He blamed himself for not being able to save his mother, surely there was a way he could have helped her!

Yuya sniffed and hid his face in between his knees, crying silently at his loss, his mother was gone. The crimson eyed boy wanted to die but knew that his mother would not approve of that. She had always told him to live even if its through the toughest times. He would find little comfort in this words though, as he shook and cried.


"Freak!" the bully spat out as he hit the crimson eyed youth. Yuya cried out in pain as he stumbled backwards, getting cornered by the bully's friend. He whimpered slightly and tears stung his eyes underneath his goggles. Desperately, the male wished that his mother was still alive, or if someone would just help him!

None of them came however, for they only passed them by, occasionally glancing but never even considering to help, as they scurried off to go home or to buy goods. The bullies cackled and grinned evily, making Yuya shiver mentally as he back tracked until he was pressed firmly on the concrete wall. The first bully smirked and captured the slender neck in his hand, tightening his hold around it. "No one likes you! Get out of here freak!" he hissed and punched the male in the stomach, making the air leave out of Yuya.

'Great, another torture.' he moaned miserably in his head as the impacts of fists hit him full force. A loud cry resonated through the air, as the towns' people chattered loudly upon the streets of Standard.

Yuya winced as he limped away to the bathroom. He had bruises and scratches on his body and his lip was cut and split, let's not forget of the stinging cheek that was beginning to turn purple. He sighed and opened the door and went up to the storage box to get the medicine kit. Once obtaining the small box, he prepped on cleaning and dressing his wounds, occasionally hissing from the electrocuting pain. It was close to manageable but still it stung and caused tears to prick at Yuya's eyes.

After finishing on dressing his wounds, he sighed and went to the kitchen, preparing himself dinner. Yuya had gotten a job so he could get food on his table and perhaps pay for the piling bills. His job was not much but it was enough to make you live. Biting his lip, as he chopped the vegetables, the lithe built boy reminisced the time where his mother would teach him cooking, laughing and smiling as they went about the kitchen. He shook his head, dropping the vegetable at the now boiling soup.

When Yuya finished dinner, he made sure to himsef to take a shower, and headed straight to his room. Changing from his day clothes, he traded them for his night wear, composing of a burgundy pair of pajamas. He climbed into bed and stared at his window, wishing his mother a goodnight upon her place up the sky above. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, knowing no more of the happenings around his surroundings.


The glare of the sun hit Yuya square on the face, making his face scrunch up as he rolled out of bed, landing with a harsh thud to the floor. The boy let out an audible 'ow' as he tried getting out of the tangled sheets. He sighed once he was free and got up to make himself breakfast, counting the minutes as they ticked by, before he would be needed to work.

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