I waited for him to say something but he didn't say a single word. I craned my neck a little to look at him and saw him eating his breakfast silently but I saw a smile on his lips.

Goodness, had I been hallucinating? Why was he smiling? Whatever the reason was, he has a beautiful smile, a very mesmerizing smile making me want to keep looking at him.

"Why are you not eating your breakfast? Any problem?"

Then I realized I had stopped eating and was gawking at his smile.

"Uh, Nothing." I blushed and again diverted my attention back to my breakfast. I propped my one elbow on the table and rested my palm on my cheek to hide my red face from him.

After we were done eating, I was about to stand up to clean the table when he spoke.

"From today onwards Finn will bring you to work."

My eyes instantly shot up and found him studying my face.

Huh? Finn? His driver? Why?

"No.. there is no need, I can go on my own," I replied.

"It's for your safety." His soft reply shut my mouth.

But why now? Why he had a sudden urge to keep me safe? I felt like he was going this to return the favor of taking care of him.

"If you are doing it to return the favor for taking care of you then there's no need." I dared to talk back.

He abruptly stood up from his chair making me flinch. I looked at him.

"I am not doing this to return any favor. And I really appreciate what you did for me yesterday. I am not a heartless person." He said sternly, still, I could disbelief on his face.

"And about Finn bringing you to work... I won't change that decision. You will go with him and come back with him. Do you get that?" He asked firmly. I meekly nodded my head. Then he left, not before putting his plate in the dishwasher.

Why did I even say that? He was just caring for my safety. I had been noticing his changed behavior towards me for the past few days. I should have known that he was just concerned. I never judge people, never. But I judged him and that too wrongly.


Days went by and now it had been two weeks, two weeks since I had been coming to work with Finn and also going back with him too. He drops me in the private parking area and also picks me up from there.

In the past two weeks, Xavier's and my relationship did improve but only as boss and employee. He started discussing many business-related topics with me and also back at home we began to have dinner together, in silence, of course. All of it improved things between us.

Home. Yes, now I had started calling his penthouse...home. Because in a home you are considered a member of the family. You live there, enjoy there, make memories and most importantly you feel free there. I was experiencing all those things there that's why I started calling that place home.

When I used to live with Smiths, I wasn't free to do anything. I wasn't even allowed to roam freely in that mansion. I was never considered as their family member.

But here, though Xavier doesn't talk to me much, still, he never stopped me from using anything in his penthouse. I could do anything freely here.

Coming to Sean and Daniel, I had now started to consider them as my family. In the past two weeks, our relationship has also improved. Now they more often come home and ask me to cook dinner for them. And I happily oblige to their request. And now it's both of their common habits to give a kiss on my forehead.

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