The truth

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Important Note; This chapter is written from a different perspective/writing style, one I wanna play with. So if you are a reader of this book or maybe even a follower of it, please, after this chapter, leave your option on this new view. If I will get a positive response I will rewrite the whole book in this perspective and continue in it if not, I will rewrite this chapter to fit with the rest. So, please give me your opinions I wouldn't want to ruin the story for any of you that have been following it and probably waited for a while for an update, and I'm sorry for that. This is something I would like to play with and you can tell me if I should continue or not.


'The old ways are gone. Died with the generations that had come.'

'The evil that we once were was now gone. Replaced with hope and love.'

'The only one who could ruin it is he. The one who stayed.'

'The fallen angel who swore to take revenge. The prince who has survived to kill.'

- 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄

The glowing sun stood tall in the blue sky, spreading its warmth through the woods as the strong black horses made their way through the trees. The gallop of the giant creatures was heard loudly as their hooves carried them and their riders towards the beautiful kingdom of Sun.

The kingdom was quiet as a tall shirtless man walked around the city center. Not a day ago this city center was filled with joy, acceptance, and laughter now people stood scared, confused, and some even angry. One of the angry people was the king of Darkness. "What are you doing here?" He finally asked. He didn't need to, he knew the strange man was here for his daughter. "You know who I'm here for." The stranger sounded deep and calm. "You can forget that she will want to leave with you. My daughter knows better than that!" As if he had summoned her with these words, the princess of Darkness galloped into the city, and right after her came Jackson and Namjoon together with the hunter that had come for them, just a little behind where the Sun mages together with the prince. The mighty horse stopped in front of the shirtless man as the princess with black eyes looked down upon him. "I feared you wouldn't come, my princess." The shirtless man said with a slight smirk as he bowed down before the horse. "I am not your princess." Every word came loud and clear out of her mouth. "But you are. We are family just like your father and I. Your great grandfather who started the creation of your world was my younger brother, dear. You know him as a brave knight. I know him as a prince who didn't want to be royal. Ironic that in the end, he became the only royal-ty. We are family princess Nari and there is nothing you can do about it. You are my princess." The words slipped out of his mouth like he was a snake.

The world had gonna quiet for a moment at least that's how it felt for the young dark princess. Hearing the full truth of her family and that she was also a part of him, it made her sick. "I can understand my great grandfather that he didn't want to be royalty back than." A loud thud was heard as she jumped off her horse and stood in front of the forgotten evil prince. She was a head shorter than him but that didn't stop the echo of drums that started to come from the darkest places of the woods. "The only royalty he knew was you and your father. I can understand that seeing what you two are doing made him question his heritage, but when we were banned because of you he saw that it can be different that he can be the example and he made sure to make that example powerful so every royalty that would come after him would have the strength to do good. I am not your princess even if we are family. I am the princess of the Moon nation. You have chosen to leave them so now I will make sure you will never be able to come back. You are banished and you will never come near the crown again." The voice of the young princess had become demonic and echoed through the city as the drums grow louder in the forest. Her look was strong and fixed on the evil prince. Her pitch-black eyes lingering in front of him as her markings started to glow and horns grow out of her head. "Leave." She whispered hissingly. The black feathery wings had opened themselves up on her back as her hand who had now long claws grabbed his neck and lifted him up. "We are the same. Look at you!" The evil prince coughed out. "I am nothing like you, because the only time you will see me like this is when I have to fight you." She didn't wait for a reply just threw him into the forest towards the loud drums and came down. Before she hit the ground she was back to the white-skinned short princess with stunning blue eyes. "Nari, your oke?" Her father asked as he slowly approached her. "Yes, everything is fine now." She answered softly and gave him a warm smile. The Dark King nodded with a smile back at her but the atmosphere around them was heavy. The Shadows who had watched beamed with proud hearing their princess call them the nation of the Moon but the Sun mages felt unsafe. The mothers started to gather their children closer. Suns who had danced last night with Shadows now shuffled away from them. The Sun kingdom got a reminder why they used to fear the Shadows and that meant a set back.

Nari didn't have time to notice this the moment she turned around two strong and warm arms embraced her. It startled her "just hug me back don't let them assume your heartless." Her arms moved around the body of Sun prince who held her in his embrace. She wasn't sure what was going on but she embraced him back and focused on him. "The Suns are uneasy. You reminded them why Shadows were feared even before the war." Nari understood now what Jungkook was doing. He is the future hope of the Sun kingdom the Suns needed to remember that no matter what happened Jungkook and Nari were friends. The hug started to take a bit long she felt somewhat safe and warm having him hold her but she wasn't sure what now. Her body started to stiffen and Jungkook finally let go. He started to speak loudly to Nari as if nobody was around them. "Thank you for banishing him from our beautiful kingdom. Are you oke?" Nari understood what Jungook was doing. She smiled bright as his theater started to be funny to her but she felt grateful that he didn't let his people look bad at her for something she was and couldn't change. "I am al good thank you for checking on me. Priority was putting that monster in his place. He should not come close to a kingdom full of innocent people and expect to be treated like a guest." Jungkook gave her a smile but Nari wasn't done. Her wings folded open as she jumped up to get above everyone. "I need to address this. Times has changed. I as a Shadow princess am here to protect you, both Shadow or Sun. Both of our kingdoms know the stories of why the old generation of Shadows were feared and called monsters. Those stories were a generation of Shadows who has died! The new generation can't even turn into demons anymore! I and my father are the only one left who can! The new generation of Shadows has merged themselves with the other elements, they aren't things of the shadow anymore. They have been touched by the Moon and have accepted his call for peace. The only one left is the evil prince you just saw. He is the last one left of the old generation of monsters! With him the old stories die! That's what I am here for." The kingdom was quiet even after she was done with talking. She didn't expect anyone to answer her but what happened was also unexpected. The Shadows and Suns, young and old, had crossed their arms over their chests and bowed down to the ground all facing the princess of Darkness. It felt like she was given a blessing by the people to end the monster stories and begin a whole new book.

As the moon light found its way into Nari's room she looked back at it wondering if she wil ever hear him again. The Moon had spoken to her when she was a child. Now she stood every night before him and yet nothing. She was starting to question if she was doing what she was supposed to. The Moon absence gave her the feeling he was not happy with something, but what could it be? She got off the chair from which she watched the moon and moved to the window. The light made her skin shine and the chains on her body started to glow. She felt safe standing in his light. The memory of her and Jungkook hugging came back to her. Those warm arms around her made her feel a certain way. She wasn't sure what that feeling was but her heart felt so tight. Her eyes moved back to the moon. Her father's worried face flashed in her mind and right after the evil eyes of the forgotten prince. "I am not like him. He is looking for revenge for something he can't even prove that it happened. He choose to be swallowed by the darkness instead of standing in the moon's light. I will never be like him! He is not a part of me!" As if something pulled her to it her face looked up at the moon as she said it. The feeling of dread washed over her. "That's what I do wrong? I don't accept who I am fully. The darkness will live in me no matter what." Everything in her room was closed yet she felt a breeze move along her arms making her hairs stand up a little. There he was, the one she waited to give her a sign on where to go further. A soft smile finally rested on her face as the presence of the Moon made her happy. "I will look for the darkness and try to understand it. I will stay in your light as I try to understand who I am fully." The breeze that has joined her in her room made its way to the table where Nari had a notebook laying from school. She didn't use it for homework. It was for notes or just to throw some ideas out of her head. The breeze moved the pages and opened them up nearly at the end. Nari walked up to it another big smile coming on her face. "I know Jackson will protect me. He always does." She looked at the page with the fonky handwriting of Jackson. He had written his name in some drawn flames, he did that to most of her notebooks. Her eyes finally moved away from Jackson's name noticing something on the other page she hasn't seen yet. Nari got closer picking her notebook up and examining the little drawing. In very pretty handwriting was written Jungkook's name with a crown on top of it and a sun standing behind it. "Did Jungkook do this?" The tight feeling in her heart came back and her eyes moved back to the moon. "What are you trying to tell me?" She asked softly looking back at the two names that have been written in her notebook.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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