The Sun Kingdom.

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As the first sunlight started to rise making the beautiful Sun Kingdom shine. The young prince was already in the royal stables getting his beloved horse Apollo, ready. Apollo's fur was white as the snow that covered The Water Kingdom but his right eye made him special as a big black perfect dot was around it. It's not normal for a Pure Prince to not have a fully white horse but Jungkook had fallen in love with him at first sight, the bond between them was a true friendship. They had a tradition of going on a morning ride before breakfast, it was their favourite thing to do together.

The young prince was one of the first people to be awake in the castle, making him have the stable fully for himself. He made sure to give Apollo breakfast as he slowly brushed him making him ready for his saddle. "Good morning prince, pleasure seeing you here so early." An elder voice caught the prince off guard. It was Eldor The Royal Horse Keeper. He was the one who usually took care of the royal horses but Jungkook loved to spend time with Apollo in the morning. A warm smile rested on the prince's face once he realized who it was. "Good morning Eldor, of course, I'm here already. The first sunlight is coming up on the horizon, it is time for our morning ride." Jungkook continued putting the saddle on his horse and smiling to himself. "Just be here before breakfast young prince. Your father will require that from you today." Prince Jungkook came around his horse to see Eldor again but the old keeper had already disappeared into his stables. What he said before leaving rang somehow in the prince's ears making him have a bad feeling. He shook it off pretty quickly as the ride with his buddy was more important at the moment.

A soft breeze greeted Apollo and the young prince as they came out of the stables. The horse sniffed the fresh air as Jungkook got on his back. After a little pet on the neck, the prince looked up at the sun feeling himself be charged with its warmth. As they took off the prince greeted the guards at the castle port and directed Apollo to the city gates. The city was still calm, the shops just started to open, and the bakers got their first bread out of the ovens making the kingdom smell amazing. The people who were up this early were used to their prince riding by in the morning so when they saw him they just nodded in greeting.

As Apollo got closer to the city gates Jungkook allowed him to move faster and faster making them gallop into the open field that lay before the gates. The royal horse let a loud neigh out of happiness. The shiny wet grass bowed before them as they ran toward the sun. Their favourite moment of the day, the sun gave them a feeling of freedom and peace as they galloped towards it without any care in the world, it was incredible. This moment didn't last today as long as Jungkook lets it normally be. Eldor's words came back to the young prince and as the sun was nearly above the horizon Jungkook knew he didn't have much time left before his father would expect him at the breakfast table.

Jungkook and his loyal companion made haste to get back to the city but once back by the city gates, the problems started as the city was now awake and packed with people needing their morning groceries. The city was beautifully busy in the morning, it was organized chaos. Little kids would play around not paying attention. Mothers yelling for their kids to come back or try to get everything they need for breakfast and dinner. A lot of people just enjoyed being out in the morning and made sure to greet their young prince with all their energy. Jungkook loved his kingdom but on days like today, he wished he could just yell at everybody. He got through the crowd slowly, greeting people back and hoping for an opening.

The opening never came but Jungkook got back to the stables where Eldor already waited for him. "I will take care of him. You need to go, prince." He took Apollo away from the prince and sent him into the castle. The quick steps of Prince Jungkook echoed through the nearly empty halls as he made his way over to the dining room.

His father Sun King Kamier sat already on his white fluffy armchair enjoying his morning tea. He was dressed in his white simple morning kimono and his hair was just slightly clipped back to keep it out of his face. The King seemed normal and relaxed like every morning but the prince still had a bad feeling. "Good morning, Father." He said in a proud tone as he took his place left from him. "Good morning." The king simply answered and took a sip from his tea. Jungkook started to get suspicious if the horse keeper just had tricked him into being on time for breakfast, Jungkook was notorious for being too late. When the Sun Queen and Princess had joined the breakfast table the staff started to bring out the food. Beautiful fruits from The Nature Kingdom decorated the table as freshly made dishes took the main spots on the table, everything looked delicious as always. A weird silence fell once the royal family started to eat what was odd, giving the young prince a reason to believe that something was going on.

The family had finished their breakfast and waited for the father to give a sign that they could leave but Kamier sat back in his chair and took another sip from his tea. The prince had a sudden urge to speak up but his mother caught his urge giving him a look to stay put. "My son, this may come out of nowhere but I need to send you to The School of Elements." The king had finally spoken and with that simple sentence, he had nearly broken his son. "Father, why?" Jungkook's voice cracked even though he tried to keep it steady with everything he had in him. The thought of leaving his beautiful kingdom broke the young prince. The king smiled softly in understanding at his son. "I'm not doing this to punish you, my boy. Letting you go is just as painful for your mother and me as it is for you but I need you to keep an eye on things for me there. As you know The Royal Mage is the principal of the school and he has gotten a sign that it's time to try again. He got the task of bringing back the black beasts and if he kept to his plan he should be in The Underworld by now. He will attempt to bring back with him The Princess of Darkness. If she agrees I will need you to be there as a safety tool. I do not know how she will be but I do know that we as Suns protect others and with a history like the black beasts have I have no choice but to send you." The prince knew the stories about the black beasts but who didn't in The Sun Kingdom? He understood now why he had to go there. It didn't make him less sad that he had to leave but at least he had a good reason for it. "I understand. I won't let you down, father." He said with a soft smile and his father pulled him into a hug. "Don't let them get to you." He said softly. As the two gave each other a last squeeze they both let go and the king gave the sign to leave. Only Jungkook and his sister Anastasia left the room.

As the prince made his way to the training course he started to get curious about how the black beasts would be now.

'The Princess of Darkness is coming back to the pure world but is she still a monster or will she be the one needing protection?'

Pure prince JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now