Chapter 35: Repudiation

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Sven awkwardly cleared his throat to catch the girl's attention as Keith slowly and groggily got up from the floor behind him. "Anyways... We should probably discuss the mission tomorrow."

Oh yeah. Rena had almost forgotten about their mission tomorrow at Altru's celebratory ball.

Altru Tower, Dim Sun's "Incredible Machine," would be completed in two days time. However, tomorrow Altru was celebrating their success with a huge ball being held in the bottom floor of the tower and just outside in Altru Park.

Their mission was to infiltrate Altru Tower in two days and shut it down before Dim Sun used the Shadow Crystal to control the minds of every Pokemon in Almia, but in order to do that, they needed to get access to the building and figure out a way to dodge security as much as possible to help buy them time.

And that's where tomorrow's mission came in.


Earlier that night...

"Our plan is to have Sven and Wendy fly over top with the two gems we have, and use them to cut the Shadow Crystal's power by 70%." Professor Hastings finished up his speech confidently. "Does that sound good to everyone?"

Rena was sitting by the computer, hacking away at the blueprint of Altru Tower. "That won't work."

"Why not?" Chairperson Erma's interest was piqued as she turned to look at Rena.

"Take a look at this." Rena slammed her finger down on one button, and something once unseen around the top of the tower on the blueprint suddenly appeared. "It looks like they have three barriers set up on the outside of the Shadow Crystal to prevent such a plan."

"Then we attack from the inside." Keith smirked arrogantly as he slammed his fist into his open hand.

"Great idea!" Hastings agreed. "While Sven and Wendy circle the top with the two gems we have, you, Keith, can infiltrate the tower and disable the barriers from the inside."

"And you can take Rena with you." Chairperson Erma added on in a warning tone.

The joy of being assigned such a fantastic mission quickly drained from his face when Chairperson Erma said that. "I don't need her." Keith crossed his arms and turned his head away.

"You will need her to help you break in and dodge the security system." Chairperson Erma raised an eyebrow at him, unpleased with his childish behavior. "She's the only one capable enough to help navigate you through the tower, Keith."

Rena bit her lip uncomfortably as she looked between Keith and the chairperson. "Look, I don't want to be any trouble..."

"Nonsense." Chairperson Erma silenced her. "You wanted to aid us in taking down Dim Sun, and so you shall."

Keith wanted to protest her decision some more, but he knew it wouldn't get him anywhere. Erma trusted Rena for some unknown reason, and since her mind was made up, there was no changing it.

Rena smiled a little before standing up and joining the others by the door. "So, how do you guys plan on getting us into the tower?" She pointed to herself and the other three Rangers standing at her side: Keith, Sven, and Wendy.

To Steal the Heart of a Thief {Pokemon Ranger Fanfiction} (Pokemon Watty Awards 2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن