"Again, creepy," he ignored me. 

"You have access to Itachi's memories and you interpret them as you believe they are. They are deciphered from your reality of right and wrong. You need to learn what your father was through the eyes of those he opposed. Through the eyes of his enemy. You need to understand and embody the reason why Itachi Uchiha was one of the most feared men of his time. I need you to access that primal instinct that drove Itachi to massacre his entire clan. The thing that allowed him to fight without flinching. I will help you connect with him this way. Are you prepared?" 

"You have a really crazy look in your eyes right now," I stated. He glared at me. "Yeah, okay. Let's see what you got, you old hag," 

"Old hag?" he mused. 

"Old man?"I offered. He laughed. 

"Let's get started," 

He bit his finger and signed his hands using his summoning jutsu. I jumped away from him doing the same. This time I didn't reach for the crow's contract. I smeared blood on my left thigh. His massive snake appeared instantly. I smiled at him as he stood on top of it. 

"Cute," I called out to him. 

"Did you not have enough power to summon your birds?" he asked. 

"Come at me and find out," 

I didn't have to tell him again. I jumped up as he crossed the threshold. The vines burst through the ground redirecting his approach. He didn't know I could do that and for the first time in a long time, I feel the confidence I had lost. All those hours a day for the past three years of being told I was worthless have finally come to an end. 

The venus came up out of the ground wrapping itself around the snake trapping it. I jumped into its mouth before it struck. It stopped. He's impressed. 

"I didn't know you could do that," he stated happily. 

"I rarely use it. My mother wanted to be a shinobi when she was younger but her father didn't allow it after her older brother was killed. This was the only thing he had taught her before he passed during a mission. She passed it onto me. Cute right? They eat people,"

"That's up for discussion," he smirked. "Very well, then. Let's continue," 

He tested me continuously. He came at me with everything he had and expected me to fight back. He showed me new ways to use the techniques I already know. At the end of each day, he would come over to me with a smile on his face. We ate together and he even brought up light conversation. There are two days left until the old man is finished with his preparations.  

"You have come a long way in just a few days," he commented once we were done for the day. "You are daddy's little girl as they say," 

"Why are you so obsessed with my dad?" I asked. "Did he mess you up and you never got revenge or something?" 

"Or something," he smirked. "Itachi had amazing power. Sasuke long surpassed him under my training but I just can't help to think-" he paused. "There is just so much promise in things we've lost isn't there?" 

"I'm not a clone am I?" he laughed. 

"No, if I would have created you. You'd know it," he smirked. 

"Doroki doesn't know it," he sighed. 

"I made him but I didn't create him," I looked over at him confused. 

"What do you mean?" 

"A child is made but what it learns is completely up to the kid. Take your beloved Hokage for example. The boy was made from the love of his parents. He inherited their genes, yes?" I nodded. "But why did he want to save the world and everyone in it when the world showed nothing but hate towards him? He could have conquered this world by the sheer force. Brought it down to its knees and ruled over everyone with anger and resentment,"

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