"Okay so far? You like it?" Dad asked Pepper. Pepper looked almost speechless.

"It will do." She smiled into his neck. I wiped a fake tear as Dad looked my way. He rolled his eyes, but a huge smile on his face. He pulled away from Pepper and opened his other arm towards my way. Pepper realized I was standing quite far away. "Get over here." I chuckled as I walked over. They pulled me into the hug.


Today is Christmas morning. My birthday was a bit different then normally. Dad and Pepper felt terrible about my birthday and they decided to celebrate today. The planned something for me tonight, but they want it to be a surprise.

The news was going crazy about last night. Asking the President, people who were close by. It was pretty crazy.

Right now, the doctors are trying to figure out if I can have surgery. Pepper and Dad has surgery for Extremis and his Arc Reactor. He finally is free from it. Pepper doesn't have to worry about being reminded about the traumatic event. She doesn't have to face the challenge of the Extremis. Dad and Peppers day beside me as we waited for the doctors.

"I feel so much better." Dad relaxed into his chair. I smiled. Pepper looked over to him with a smile too.

"I bet. I do too. I feel like me again." Pepper grinned as Dad grabbed her hand. The doctor walked in with a frown. I bit my lip nervously.

"So doc! When to we start?!" Dad clapped his hands together with a smile. The doctor sighed. Dad finally noticed the doctor's expression. "What is it Doc?"

"I'm afraid we can't remove Extremis for Ms. Stark." Pepper gasped in shock.

"Why not? It's the exact same thing Pepper had. I'm sure there's a way, there has to be." Dad questioned, he knew why, but he didn't want to believe it.

"I think you know why. Extremis as connected with her previous powers. We can't extract Extremis from her because it is practically in her DNA now. Like you explained earlier, when you teleport, you think of the place you want to go, and push your magic toward that place. You push yourself. Whoever gave you that power sure did a good job at making sure you can't get rid of it." The Doctor told. I stared at me hands. Dad and Pepper started talking to the doctor. I blocked out everyone in the room.

I have to deal with another affect of kidnap? Another affect of torture? I made blue flames appear. The flames danced in my hands. I gulped as I remember how they are blue. HYDRA. What am I going to do about them? Killian's gone. The Mandarin is gone. It's HYDRA I have to worry about. I'm joining S.H.I.E.L.D too. Would people see me as a hero still?

"-maybe we can-." I cut Dad off.

"Thank you for trying Doctor. I appreciate it." I smiled at him. He nodded, knowing that was a signal to leave.

"Have a good day. And again, I'm truly sorry." He walked out. He was sorry he couldn't help, and I couldn't be mad. I looked at Pep and Dad.

"Are you okay Hope? Maybe S.H.I.E.L.D can help, or maybe I can call up Dr. Banner to come figure something out?" Dad suggested. I smiled at the two gratefully.

"I'm fine. I can handle this. Maybe it can help in the future. I can use it to my advantage. I can learn about it, just like I did with my magic. I'm joining S.H.I.E.L.D soon anyway."  I nodded with a smile. Pepper smiled at me, but Dad looked unsure.

"I'm still me Dad. It's not like I changed." I rolled my eyes.

"But you did change." He sighed. I gave him a confused look. "You grew up. You don't need me anymore. I bet you even know your family now don't you?"

"..." I didn't answer. He scoffed. I wasn't hurt by it, he was letting off some stuff. I'll let him.

"You can go back to your family and start over. You'll have your mom and Dad back. I'm happy for you, but I cant help that I  feel... sadness and jealousy. I know I shouldn't. I keep thinking you'll leave us to be with you family, your real family. I know I shouldn't think this way, but I haven't given you the easiest life. Terrorist, enemies, you always have to deal with my bullshit. I just always hope that I've given you things to hold onto the rest of you life... so you wouldn't forget me... or leave me..." Dad hung his head as he waited my reply. Pepper looked up at me with a tear in her eye.

"Tony, you will always be my dad." He looked up at me. "Sure not by blood, but in my heart, you will always be my dad, best friend, idol... hero" His eyes started to water. Pepper smiled as she sniffled.

"You saved my life. Everyday, I always think of my life without you, but I can't. You guys are my parents. I love you both. Pepper, you helped me so much too. You taught me how to cook because we both know he can't." Dad scoffed lightly. A smile still present. Pepper giggled. "You made the first year go by with ease. You set up everything and helped Tony to get me adopted. Sure we couldn't find my real family, but you guys really did make me feel at home." I grinned at the teary eyed adults. I pulled them into a tight hug.

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