One Hundred & Forty

Start from the beginning

"Obviously I am,"  He argued with a smile.

"Okay, who's more emo?"  I asked.  "Revenge era Gerard Way or 2005 Pete Wentz?"

"Oh damn that's a hard one,"  He mumbled.  "2005 Pete Wentz.  Revenge era Gerard Way was more goth."

"Good point,"  I agreed.  "Favorite rock band?"

"Three Days Grace,"  He said in a 'duh' voice.

"Green Day or Nirvana are better,"  I argued.

"That's more grunge than rock,"  Quinn pointed out.

"Okay okay,"  I sighed.  "I guess you're right about that."

Quinn let out a yawn.  I glanced over at the clock to see it was nearing 3 am.  We had stayed up together after dinner.  We've become really good friends, bonding over emo inside jokes. 

"I'd say let's bust out my ouija board and summon something since it's almost 3 am,"  I said with a laugh.  "But I'm tired as hell."

"Same,"  Quinn yawned.

"Shall we go to bed?"  I asked him.  "I'm surprised Dee didn't drag you to bed with him." 

"He's not controlling like that,"  Quinn defended him.  "He's just protective of me and we spend a lot of time together.  But he understands when I need time alone or with someone else."

"That's good,"  I told him.  "Roman can get clingy but he knows when to back off."

We fell into a comfortable silence.  But then Quinn started talking again. 

"Do you think there's more emo traits?"  He wondered aloud. 

"Wylan,"  I said, completely sure of myself.  "He represents Sadness, so we just gotta get him listening to some MCR and convert him to our lord and savior Geesus."

"That sounds like a good idea,"  Quinn said with a laugh. 

"But I suggest tomorrow because I'm tired,"  I told him. Quinn yawned again.

"Yeah I could go for a long sleep with cuddles right now," He mumbled.

"Same," I laughed. I stood up, grabbing both of our glasses and dumping them in the sink. Quinn waited at the bottom of the stairs for me.

He doesn't like by himself, especially at night. Doesn't like to be touched, but also refuses to be in a room by himself. Except bathrooms.

I led the way up the stairs, feeling brave for once. It was probably just because Quinn was basically cowering behind me so my anxiety went into 'Mom mode', as Patton calls it.

We walked down the hall in comfortable silence. Quinn and Dee's room was towards the end of the hallway.

But we both paused at his door upon seeing the door to the Pit at the very end of the hallway open. A jolt of panic went through me, probably the same with Quinn.

He look over at me with wide, fear filled eyes. I could hear some sort of noise coming from the door. Quinn started shaking.

"Wait right here," I told him, starting to slowly make my way towards the door. Quinn grabber the bottom of my hoodie with his hands.

"No, don't," He pleaded. "Anything could be in there."

"It'll be fine," I mumbled, reaching the door. Quinn clutched tightly to my hoodie, not touching me but keeping a firm grip on me nonetheless.

I peeked my head through the door, letting my eyes adjust to the dark. Another jolt of panic swept through me when I saw an asleep Wylan about to roll into the Pit.

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