Desmond Miles X Reader

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These were your favorite moments were you just laid cuddle together in bed. He would whisper sweet nothings in your ear always saying silly things just to get a giggle out of you. Desmond was the best boyfriend you have ever had. Despite him working nights he always made time to spend with you. Even when you lost your job he was there and supportive so it made no sense to you why he would just up and leave. He did not leave any trace of him, he just vanished. It broke your heart but you had to move on, as hard as it was you had to.

Fifteen months passed you found yourself another job everything was going pretty well and you were happy, you have not thought about Desmond for a while. You did not get into a relationship despite having suitors you just wanted to enjoy your single life. You got off early at work and decided to go grocery shopping. Getting to your apartment you opened the door balancing the bags on one hand and the other on your hip. Once you got in you kicked the door close and walked to the kitchen. You put the bags on the counter and your purse beside them stepping out of your shoes.
"(Y/n)", a voice sounded making you jump immediately turning to the source. There stood in the middle of your kitchen a man wearing blue jeans and a hoodie. You could not see his face because of the hood he was wearing.
"Who are you, how did you get into my house and how do you know my name", you asked the intruder while trying to subtilty move to grab anything that you can whack him with. He must have seen your not so subtle movement, "(Y/n) wait-", he took a step towards you. You grabbed the nearest thing towards you which was your purse and threw it at the intruder.
"LEAVE ME ALONE", you screamed rounding your kitchen counter grabbing more things and throwing them at him.
"(Y/N) STOP, ITS ME. ITS ME DESMOND", he said pulling his hood down whilst in a crouched position. You stopped but still held a rolling pin, "What...".
Desmond stood up straighter holding his hands to show he meant no harm, "Its me Desmond, (Y/n)".
You took in his facial features now that you could see him without the hood hiding his face. It really was him, it has been so long since you last saw him you had even forgotten his voice. He took a cautionary step towards you, when you made no movement he took another until he was at arms length.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to see you again", he began looking at you with those gorgeous brown orbs of his but then you remembered.
"You left me", you whispered.
"(Y/n) listen its no-".
"YOU LEFT ME", you yelled interrupting him and trying to whack him with the pin you were still holding.
"YOU LEFT, YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO DUMP ME TO MY FACE", you continued to yell at him still trying to beat him with the pin but Desmond was able to take it from your grasp. With the pin gone you started to bang your fists on his chest crying angry tears.
"YOU'RE A LIAR DESMOND MILES YOU NEVER LOVED ME", you went to hit him again but this time he grabbed both your wrists.
"DESMOND LET GO", you tried to get out of his grasp but he was not letting go. His heart broke at seeing you so hurt and thinking that he did not love you.
"No (Y/n) I'm not letting you go".
"Please just let me...", your knees buckled from under you but Desmond held you as you both sunk to the floor and you cried. Desmond just held you listening to your broken sobs, it broke him in so many ways. When your sobs were reduced to sniffles Desmond still held you drawing soothing circles on your back.
"Why did you come back", you asked your voice raspy from crying, "You never loved me that's why you left so why are you here".
The last thing you said stabbed at his heart causing him to stop his movements. He took in a sharp breath, "I did love you...I still do".
He softly grabbed your shoulders moving you back a bit so you could looke at him, "I really do and I never wanted to leave you".
You looked away from him, "Yeah but you did". That stung but he could not blame you for feeling the way you did. He nodded, "Your right I did".
You scoffed rolling your eyes.
"But it wasn't by choice. Please just give me a chance to explain", he pleaded.
"So you can lie to me some more", you got up putting some distance between the two of you.
He got up also, "You asked me why I'm here (Y/n). I'm here to explain to you what happened fifteen months ago. Please just...(Y/n) please give me a chance to explain".
You bit your bottom lip, a bad habit of yours and folded your arms over your chest,"Fine". 

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