Edward Kenway X Reader

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The Jackdaw was at the harbour in Havana, Cuba. With the crew busy loading the vessel with supplies for their next voyage the captain of the Jackdaw decided to get himself a new sword seeming as his old one has gone blunt.

Entering the weapons shop he was met with silence no one was at the counter so he went about the shop looking at various weapons on display. An old gruffy looking old man appeared from behind the counter startling the captain.
The old man laughed;
Forgive me lad didn't mean to startle ya, what can I do for you?!, the old man asked. The captain pulled out his sword and placed it on the table, "I'm looking for a new sword this one's gone blunt", replied the captain. Examining the sword the old man commented, "This is a lovely sword lad why not have it sharpened instead of trading it unless you really want a new one".

"Won't that take long haven't got much time to spare", the captain said. The old man laughed again, "Oh! You young lads always in such a hurry, very well then which one will you take?!. The captain pointed out the two swords he wanted, he paid for one and traded the other with his blunt sword. As the captain was turning to leave the shop he heard the old man shout for someone at the back of the shop, "(y/n)". From behind the counter another figure appeared, her hair was tied at the back with some loose strands in front of her face, black leather gloves that reached her elbows, a white loose shirt...,"yes".

"Here I'm sure that'll keep you busy", said the old man as he handed the sword to the lass. She took it and returned to the back of the shop without saying another word.

Back inside the Jackdaw the captain wondered to himself about the lass back at the weapons shop before his thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door signaling him that it was time to leave.

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