Edward Kenway X Reader

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The shackles in my wrists rattled as I walked down to a prison cell aboard the Spanish ship. Our ship was attacked by the Spaniard soldiers and those of us left were taken prisoner only to be send to the gallows once we reach land. I'm not even entirely sure why our ship was attacked we weren't even pirates talk about government officials misusing their power. Alas I am a lass found aboard a ship, been sailing ever since I was seventeen. I ran away from home when my parents wanted to marry me off to some bloke. I've always loved the sea and I had a bit of knowledge about ships and what more freedom could I ask for than the open sea. As you can already guess sometimes there comes those times where men think they can have their way with me but I've acquired enough skill to fend for myself. Speaking of which that such time came I was taken from my cell and brought to the captain's cabin. The captain stood from his seat and walked slowly towards me, " What is a beautiful woman like you doing in a company of such filthy scoundrels?!", the captain asked surprisingly in english. I scoffed, "Its none of your concern", I said through clenched teeth already knowing where this was going. He moved even closer to me leaving no space between us. "Oh but it is my dear. A woman like you can not be left roaming around freely in a ship", he finished grabbing a hold of my neck with his left hand while running his right hand down my shirt opening a few buttons exposing my chest. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but his hold on my neck was too much I was sure it would leave a bruise. Seeing this angered him he pushed me with such force that my breath was knocked out of me as I hit the wall. Before he could continue his assault on me a knock was heard and the voice from the other side spoke in Spanish I couldn't make out what they were saying. He seemed quite pissed then he hit my head to the wall and walked out.

No one's p.o.v

Up top deck a pirate ship was spotted by a crew member when one went to call their captain. When the ship got close cannons where fired from both ships the pirate ship seemed to get the upper hand, the pirate crew boarded the Spanish ship and a battle raged on. The captain of the pirate ship just cut down a Spaniard soldier when his eyes caught a lass slicing down some of the soldiers and she seemed to have where those shackles on her wrists. He further went to assist the lass when he found himself fighting with the captain of the Spaniard ship and managed to cut him down. The lass looked at him with a frown on her face before collapsing and he managed to catch her just before her body hit the blooded deck.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I could faintly hear the cannons and the fighting up deck. Ugh! That bastard hit my head pretty hard I could feel myself slipping. I have to get out of here and find out what's going on up there. I take deep breaths and steady myself enough to move from the wall to the door. I open the cabin door and I am met with an all too familia scene. I blink my eyes a few times to clear my vision and let my eyes adjust to the light. It seems the ship is being raided by pirates. I turn around just in time to dodge a sword almost hitting my head. I kicked my attacker between his legs and grabbed his cutlass when he falls on his knees. The others must have seen their fellow crew member fall as they charged at me. Our swords clashed as I deflected their attacks and managed to deal them some great damage given the fact that my hands were still in shackles, as I continue to assault my captors at the corner of my eye I spotted a figure fighting the Spanish soldiers seeming to come my way. He wore robes I've never seen before and I could not see his face because of the hood that was drawn up but I could tell he was looking at me. Weirdo but his distraction was greatly appreciated. I then spotted that bastard Spanish captain he was the real scoundrel here and went over to kill him myself but was halted by another Spaniard bastard so I fought him too and defeated him. When he fell the captain also fell by the sword of this figure. He robbed me of my prey and I frowned at him just then I could feel my energy drain from me and my feet gave out as I finally slipped into unconsciousness.

I woke up in a bed startled by this I quickly set up but regretted it as a wave of dizziness hit me along with a pounding headache. "Whoa! Careful lass you got hit pretty hard", a voice sounded as the owner came close and gentle pushed me back down. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them to inspect my surroundings, the room was swaying slightly so I concluded I was still in a ship then my eyes landed on a figure at the edge of the bed. "Who are you?!, I asked I could tell from the robes that it was the same man who robbed me of my prey and my frown returned. He chuckled seeing this, "The name's Edward Kenway and I'm captain of this ship The Jackdaw and who might you be lass". My eyes widened slightly knowing I was aboard a pirate ship now, yes I've heard about captain Kenway and his ship. I decided to answer him as calmly as I could, "I'm (y/n)(y/l/n)".
"Don't be frightened lass I'm not going to hurt you. I was just wondering how you ended up with shackles on a Spanish ship", he reassured me with a Welsh accent I couldn't hear until now. I didn't notice that my hands were free of those bothersome shackles and as I looked at him I haven't even noticed that his hood was down, I could see his sandy blond hair and blue eyes he truly was handsome. He caught me staring and I quickly looked away from him when he smirked feeling my cheeks heat up. "Apparently me being a woman and working on a ship was quite bothersome".
"Well then your presence here in the jackdaw would certainly not be bothersome to anyone", he said. I looked at him confused. He must have noticed as he further said, "I'm not crazy enough to let a lass who could still cut down men like they are nothing whilst restrained in shackles go. She'll make one hell of an edition to my crew", he smiled as he got up and walked towards the door not giving me time to answer. He reached the door and stopped, "Don't give me an answer at the moment lass", he opened the door, "Rest up now", he stepped out and closed the door. I was stunned and there was really nothing for me to do except rest as I still felt out of it. I closed my eyes a smile on my lips.

I do apologize if I offended anyone with this chapter. I have nothing against the Spaniards 😅

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