Arno Dorian X Reader AU

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When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

The two of you grew up together you were best of friends until you had to move away because of your father's job. About four months later you had learned that Arno's father got killed in an accident and you felt guilty that you could not be there to comfort him let alone have any kind of contact with him. You had seen it in the newspaper that your father often read every morning and despite your efforts your father refused to let you visit him for the town you once called home was very far away from where you lived now and you were still pretty young to be traveling on your own. Just like Arno you also just lived with your dad, your mother left the both of you when you were 9 months old.

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Years past you and your father moved back again to what you liked to call your home town, a place where you grew up. You had not forgotten about Arno and were exited and also a bit nervous to see him again. Wondering if he will recognize you or if you will be able to recognize him. You were a teenager now meaning you were in high school, in the previous school you were at things were really not that great so this was kinda like a fresh start if only you could find your math class, you really didn't like being late. As the hallways were clearing up students going to their respective classes and you struggling to find yours you saw a redhead heading your way as she got closer you could see her green eyes...
"Sorry hi do you need any help you seem kinda lost and I have never seen you here before you must be new", she spoke softly with a kind smile.
"Um...yeah I am...lost I mean...lost and new...could you please show me where the math class is", you stuttered with an awkward smile.
She just held her kind smile, "Well your in luck cause I am heading there too let's go we're already late", she hurried past you and you quickly followed her. Two more periods passed before it was lunch time and you had already made a friend really quite different from how things were at your previous school and she was quite the talker too she seemed cheerful. That's when you remembered that you had not gotten her name yet. Before you said anything she spoke up first,"Here I was trying not to be too late to Mrs Pret's class and us having different classes the last two periods I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Elisé and yours?".
"Its (Y/n) and thanks again for helping me", she just shrugged as you took trays putting food in them. You walked to an empty table and sat there eating and chatting away as you told her that you actually grew up there. Another figure approached your table a tray of food in hand and sat opposite both of you with a grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes when he looked at Elise who just rolled her eyes at him. His gaze then shifted to you his grin quickly disappeared his eyes widened and lips parted in surprise.
"(Y/n)...", he whispered your name. You stared at him confused at how he knew your name because you hadn't spoken to any one other than Elisé. You studied his face seeing his brown locks put in a ponytail and his brown eyes...those brown eyes..."Arno", you could not believe it your friend he was still here, he nodded when you said his name and quickly gave you a hug. Meanwhile Elise was just amused watching the two of you, "I guess you two know each other then". The three of you laughed. You reconnected with Arno and also learned that it was Elise's family that took him in when his dad died you also became good friends with Elise as well. You had to admit nature highly favoured Arno as he grew he was handsome, well built, he had an awesome personality just an overall nice guy and you could not help but have a crush on him. Though to be honest you have always liked Arno as more than just a friend. Other girls in school also had a crush on him but still they could not hang out with him like you so really that gave you a bit of comfort. Until one day he came to you for advice on how to tell Elise that he liked her, your whole world came crushing down.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

They started dating he was always happy and so eager to tell you how blissful it was to be in had said that, he actually loves her. When they were around you tried so hard to be happy for them masking your pain with a smile that you've perfected. But everyday inside you were slowly dying, it was unfair Arno was yours first if you had not moved you would be the one hugging him, cuddling with him, kissing him, having him look at you with love and adoration the same look he was giving the redhead seated in his lap.

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try, you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Truly you did try to be happy for him because he was happy and that is all that mattered right. Being close to him only made you love him more and more everyday. He would lift up your spirits making you laugh even though he's the one that made you cry and didn't even know he was responsible.
"(Y/n) we must get you a boyfriend", he had said one day nudging your shoulder you just chuckled trying not to cringe at his words, "Yeah right Arno that's really a good one. I don't need a boyfriend what I need is to focus on my studies".
"Ow come on (Y/n) it will really be nice we would go on double dates and all besides is it a crime for wanting my best friend to be happy to find someone who would love and cherish her", he countered with a huge stupid grin on his face. 'Oh Arno' You just wanted to cry but held it in deciding to change the subject because if you didn't you would actually start crying something you did not want to do in front of him. Hours later when he left you finally let loose and cried yourself to sleep. The three of you graduated high school and you went to college you made sure to be as far away from Arno as possible without raising much suspicion. Arno was very good at peaking up on these things but you too head learn to hide it from him, so the day you were leaving both Elise and Arno were there to say goodbye. Arno was really upset he did not even try to hide it, "Why do you have to go...your leaving me again", he whispered in your ear as he hugged you his voice cracking at the end. You froze at that, this was like deja vu...

"Why do you have to go (y/n)...please don't leave me", a young Arno had pleaded all those years ago when you first moved away.

"I don't want to leave Arno but I have to go with my dad", you had reasoned on the verge of crying and he just looked defeated, "I promise I'll come back, I'll come back for you", you reassured him before quickly giving him a kiss on his cheek and running to your dad's car who was hitting the honk impatiently.

.. but you could not stay here and have your heart broken by him over and over again. Deciding to tell him the truth you whispered back to him before letting him go waving goodbye to Elise and walking towards your father's car. The car drove off after you had settled yourself inside. Arno stood frozen on the driveway not even blinking as his mind tried to process what you had whispered to him.
"Arno are you okay", Elise jolted him out of his trance and he just nodded starting to walk away.

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I

"I came back for you but I was too late, I love you Arno that's why I have to leave"

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
The song is by Coldplay-fix you my very first songfic I hope you like it and thank you again for your support...I really love this song and I almost cried just listening to it. It always reminds me that life is not a fairytale and we don't always get what we want but never stop living, never stop trying, never stop fighting for your dreams, that's important!!! ❤❤❤❤

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