Edward Kenway X Reader part 3

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The captain rushed to it as he approached it he expected to find her on the other side but was dumbfounded when no one was there.
"What the-"
"Don't. Move!!!"....

The tip of the lass's cutlass was pointed at captain Kenway's throat, he stood frozen. "Who are you and why are you following me?!", the lass asked still pointing her sword at Kenway looking straight at him with (e/c) eyes. Captain Kenway felt his mouth go dry gazing at her, this lass was quite something he felt himself drawn even more to her, he was  stunned he didn't even register her words until he felt her sword pressing more at his throat. His eyes widen and he put his hands up in surrender, he thought for sure this lass would kill him with how the blade was pressing at him. "I asked you a question?!", she said once more.
"Uhm...I didn't quite...catch it...", captain Kenway answered. The lass could see that he was struggling to answer because of the cutlass pressed to his throat so she let up just a bit while she looked him over more like tried cause she was distracted by his beautiful blue eyes...damn it!!
"I asked who you are and why are you following me?!".
"Edward, Edward Kenway...Captain of the Jackdaw. I didn't mean to follow you its just...I wanted to talk to you...", Edward answered he was so nervous what was wrong with him, he's never nervous especially when talking to a beautiful lass maybe its because she was pointing a sword at him. At further inspection of the sword he saw that it was the one which he traded the last time he was in Havana but it was sharper than when he first held it. "Don't even think about it?!"
He was so trapped in his thoughts that he didn't even realize she had removed her cutlass from his throat and had put it back in its holster looking back at him only to find him staring at it. Quickly recovering from his trance, "Oh! Forgive me lass its just that was mine, it looks good on you", Edward confessed rubbing the area where the lass's sword tip was feeling a sticky substance. The lass noticed, "Sorry about that you can't be too careful. So you mean to tell me you've been following me around to tell me that", the lass asked amused now.

"No! Its not that....I've never seen a lass beat a man like that before, I could use a woman like that in my crew!!"

"Oh yes you did mention you were a captain, what makes you think I'm interested"

Edward was at a loss for words the lass was beautiful and she could handle herself what more tricks did she have he wanted to know he couldn't let her slip from him. "I was hoping you would, I haven't even got your name...and you seem to trust me already seeing as your not pointing your sword at me", Edward said giving her his signature smirk trying to look confident even though he felt none at the moment. The lass almost melted at his smirk 'damn him' she began walking towards the harbor leaving a stunned Edward behind as he quickly ran after her, "H-hey...lass where are you going?!", he asked not so sure of himself now. "The sun has already set and I'm guessing the harbor is were the jackdaw is.....and the name's (y/n), (y/n) (y/l/n)", the lass answered with a small smile still walking ahead of Edward. Edward smiled also the lass is definitely quite something.

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