Haytham Kenway X Reader

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Haytham E. Kenway Templar Grandmaster, a lovely man, an honourable man, calm, collected, rational, charismatic, and reasonable rarely showed his anger always level headed. Contradictory to how most Templars have come to be know. But his profession is not what drew me in what drew me in was his very gentle nature. If I had never taken the time to know him I would have never agreed to court him let alone marry him. It always amazed me how he could find the time to spend with me despite him being very busy as the Grandmaster. He always made me feel loved, cherished, protected, important and I was very happy to be a part of his life. He'd be gone for weeks and I'd miss him so but when he was home it was as if he never left. Life was pure bliss.

In my last moments as I look at him, trying to find a trace of the man I once knew and loved...I cannot find him...I barely recognize the man that's looking back at me with so much venom.
Try as I might to find what changed...in us...in him...how I could not see it coming...our impending doom. I cannot help but to feel as if part of it is my own fault for if I had seen it sooner I could have saved him...saved us. I failed my duty as a wife.

Four months ago Haytham came back from a trip with a few of his Templar associates I was never allowed to know the specifics of their affairs. He seemed rather on edge I didn't think much of it because he'd been gone for a whole month a some two weeks which is the longest he's ever gone since we had gotten married. So naturally I assumed that he would need just a day or two to readjust himself to being home. A week went by he was rather quiet than usual only gave me one word replies and spend all of his time in his study without even an explanation to me something he had never done. I grew quite troubled and went to his study to discuss with him my concerns. One thing about Haytham was that I could talk to him about anything and he always listened, always was intrigued with whatever it is I had to say. I knocked on his door and confidently went in as soon as I heard him summon me inside. Walking from the door to his desk he barely acknowledge my presence too busy with paperwork which lay in front of him. I sat down and cleared my throat hoping to catch his attention he simply uttered a "Go on I'm listening" his tone indicating that I was bothering him. Swallowing down my hurt and keeping my voice a even as I could I asked him, "Haytham is everything alright".

"Everything is fine (y/n) why wouldn't it be", his tone was so cold that it send a chill down my spine.

"I do not mean to sound needy but since you've been back things haven't been the same even when we're asleep you do not touch me like you usually do, you do not eat with me, you are always in here and I miss my husband I miss you Haytham", tears were already welled up in my eyes threatening to spill at any second because in all the time I had said that he still didn't look at me.

"Haytham look at me....Haytham-"

"Can't you see I am busy I do not have the time to be entertaining your tantrum this last trip has not been good so please woman leave me be!!", with each word he said his voice got louder till he was standing his body rigid and his face showed so much rage.
I was in shock he has never raised his voice at me. The tears slid down my cheeks as I stood and left his study going to the master bedroom, I threw myself on top of the covers and cried myself to sleep he didn't even bother to follow me.
The next day I awoke and it was already noon he didn't come up I slept on my own. I could not bring myself to get up I was so hurt. By nightfall I heard him coming up the stairs when the door to our bedroom open I pretended to be asleep. He came towards the bed I felt the bed dip at the edge he must have sat there. After a minute or so I felt him stroke my side softly and heard him apologize his sounded so broken that it broke me also I wanted to just get up and wrap my arms around him and tell him that I forgive him. I heard him sniff "was he crying" got on the bed and held me in his arms something I missed so very much. To feel loved, cherished and protected by him. Things became better after that I forgave him and we regained our norm. Or at the very least that's what I thought. Small arguments occurred over simple things they began to escalate one time an argument ended with Haytham slapping me across my cheek with the back of his hand. He apologized and I forgave him again for he had never laid his hands on me surely it won't happen again. How wrong I was.

"I am so tired of hearing your screeching annoying little voice", he said grabbing my wrists and pushing me against the wall on our living room the back of my head hitting the wall and making me dizzy. "Haytham stop", I pleaded. He just got angrier grabbing my shoulders harshly his nails digging at my skin and threw me to the floor. Just at I landed he turned me over and straddled me putting his hands around my throat and squeezing the life out of me. I struggled to breath clawing at his arms digging my own nails at his skin hoping he'll let go. I struggle to even utter his name as I looked at him I barely recognize him. As I felt my life slip away I could not help but think I failed my duty as a wife.

😭😭😭😭😭 please don't hate me it was hard even for me to write Haytham in such a manner because he's such a really nice guy.

Thank you so much for the reads guys 😘....and also I haven't forgotten about your request user36811464 I'm still working on it.

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