Taehyung ~ Well this isn't my day

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It took a little longer than a few minutes before they pulled up to the gas station. Jimin leaped out the jeep to barely make it to the bushes before he tossed his cookies. Yoongi, while half awake, waddled his way over to comfort Jimin.

Tae literally sprinted to the men's washroom, unapologetically pushing Hoseok out the way who was also headed in the same direction.

"Hey! Is that the way you treat your elder?!" He couldn't give a single fuck in the moment.


After the vomiting, bathroom breaks, and a snack haul- they were all sardined back into the jeep to endure another forty-five minutes before they reach their destination.

Jimin took some motion sickness medication before he was laying on Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook, and his head resting on Tae's lap. Tae was the only one, besides Jin who unintentionally went into uncomfortable slumber.

Tae was miserable.

He was too busy trying to endure a cramp in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to curl into a fetal position, or squeeze a pillow, or both- doesn't matter the order.


"Tae" He felt someone shake him. "Tae get up we're here."

With a yawn while rubbing his eyes, he looked at where they are at.

Surrounded by blue skies, birds chirping, the faint waves of the ocean, and the fuckery of this mountain they are about to climb.

They got him all the way fucked up.


"Are we there yet?" Tae said in between breaths.

"Like ten minutes ago, no we are not even halfway there." Jungkook and Jin was leading the pack while everyone else was keeping up and Tae straggling along in the back trying to keep up. The abdominal cramps felt like his stomach was in knots, trying to squeeze any organs that got in his way. Every step he made in this horrendous heat made his stomach flip, stomach acid sloshing with a concerning growl.


He was going to hurl.

"We're halfway there! Just fifteen more minutes before we get to the top if we pick up the pace." Namjoon shouted, somehow hiked up alongside Jin and Jungkook- leaving Yoongi, Hoseok in the middle and Jimin and Tae in the back.

An unexpected belch escaped his lips, leaving behind a sour aftertaste he knew all too well.

It was a sign that he was going to toss his cookies.

He wasn't about to make this trip go to waste by puking. He was going to make it to the top—and goddammit if he must crawl the rest of the way... he will.

He needed to distract Jimin, needs to somehow get enough distance to puke his brains out and come back as if he never left.

"Jimin, I gotta pee. I'll catch up."

"I'll wait for you." Shit.

"It won't be long, you all are not going that fast anyway." He felt the bile coming up his throat. Jimin did not make any effort to leave.

"Fine." Tae ran into the bushes to give enough distance away from Jimin before he felt a wet burp escaped his body.


He did not even get a chance to brace himself before he projectile vomited yellow liquid against the tree.


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