The Flashback

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Before you go any further,hold  up.

Before you go any further,hold  up

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yeah,I said it.Anyway...You know how I said I would tell you later about an incident called 'The Crash'.Okay..Uh..My parents were pretty rich,(My dad was in the military part time and had a PHd in nuclear engineering *meaning he was also a scientist or nuclear physicist*,same with my mom.That's why I was going to major in that.I say was because no real collages(also yes,I'm a few grades ahead .I've asked to be put in collage level and I've seen my IQ as well.The principal has conferences with my parents about it) that exsist anymore.SO anyway,my parents were driving home, and their car (It was an electric car) Broke down and stopped working.In the middle of an intersection.(I'm guessing it was a targeted EMP strike by another country.) And all the street lights and traffic lights went out.Then some drunk driver just drove out of one side and hit my parents in the car head-on.It was a firey crash.My parents died,While the drunk guy was just injured.It's unfair.Sometimes I just lie in my bed ad night,wondering what I should do now.

I wonder,would anything be different If the drunk person Hadn't killed my parents?

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