CHAPTER 16 - The schooling

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As we got to the school,before the mutants could smell/see/sense/detect us or whatever,I chucked one of my new creations into the center of the swarm of mutants.I had made 5 or 6,so,don't want these to go to waste.I could see it as it knocked a mutant in the back of the head.SCORE! Double points!It hit the ground and exploded. I've never seen anything so beautiful.It sent mutants flying.Wow.Not sure how long the mutants will stay down, so we rush to the doors.We were inside, and it is even more quiet than the other school...There better not be another mutant ball.We walk past rooms full of computers, all sorts of things. Once we got inside, I realized how big the building was.We must be in the tech collage. I see some mutants on computers,just sitting there.As I get a little closer to the room,I saw the screen moving. Something is happening. I get closer, and what I see on the computer...Memes.Lots of memes.I wonder how the computers are able to still,well,WORK CORRECTLY.The mutants seem to be almost hypnotized by it. HMMMMM....I quickly backed out of there,because I didn't wanna get bit.We met up in the gym."Find any survivors?"I asked."Nope."everyone else said."Oh,okay,then."I said.I was hoping we might have found some survivors."Well, we could take some of the tech from the labs and use it to upgrade our weapons and stuff."Braxton said."Good idea."I replied.We went to one of the labs and grabbed things.I grabbed a lazer cutter,and who knows what else everybody else grabbed."Be sure to not damage the stuff you grab, guys!"I shout. They grab things and once everybody is ready, we left to the tree house in Braxton's yard, which we are using as a temporary base.

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