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REJECTION! Just that one single word can shatter your heart and whole world into pieces. We all search for acceptance in this world and as a wolf, it is written that we shall find our mates. I have waited for that day to come since I was a little girl.

I have never been accepted by my family. I have an older sister and she was planned where as I was not. So I have been the biggest mistake my parents have made thus far, according to them.

My sister is beautiful. All the men want her and all the girls want to be like her. Her inside though don't match the outside. Inside she is the worst person you could ever know.

She can't be trusted, she is a user and mistreats everyone around her, especially her friends who she uses as her personal slaves.

I had always thought of the day when I would eventually meet my mate. In a way he would rescue me from all the pain and misery I was forced to endure by my family. He would love me and stand up for me. But most of all.....he would ACCEPT me.

My parents couldn't wait for the day I would find my mate either because that way they could get rid of me. Despite their doubts about anyone ever loving me.

Then it happened. A few days ago, I had finally found my mate. It was weird to because I was in the store buying a few things when I smelled his scent. It smelled of cinnamon, which I like.

He invited my family and I over for dinner tonight and was going to make the announcement to everyone. Everyone meaning my parents, sister, along with both his parents and even his friends that happened to be in his pack.

It was all happening fast but I didn't mind. I had finally found my mate. My escape.

After getting ready and all dolled up, I got into the backseat and sat next to my sister in our parents car before we next began making our way over towards his house.

When we pulled up, I noticed right away that he had a mansion. I looked in amazement at how great it looked. Then the door opened up before we had a chance to knock on the door and it looked to be a butler.

"Good evening. Everyone is waiting in the living room." He announces.

We start walking inside and begin to follow behind him towards the living room where indeed everyone were already seated and waiting for us.

Then I saw my mate, swirling the whiskey in his glass and laughing with his friends it seemed. Oh god, is he drunk? I thought.

"There she is." He slurs after turning around to look at me and comes walking up to give me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Uh, are you okay?" I ask.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He asks.

"Maybe you should take it easy." I suggest.

"Already telling me what to do?" He glares at me.

"Of course not." I reply.

"Forget it." He says irritated.

Then before having a chance to say anything else, he takes my hand and then before even saying hi to my parents and sister, he starts pulling me hard off to a room where we get inside and he shuts the door behind us.

"So, what are we doing in here?" I ask.

"Look, I'm not someone that likes beating around the bush. I tell it how it is." He begins.

"Okay?" I reply.

"I am rejecting you." He says.

"What?" I asked thinking I probably misunderstood.

"I am rejecting you. I don't want you as my mate. Plus, I didn't know that Lizbeth out there was your sister. She's who I want as my mate and I have already talked with the Moon Goddess about it and she has agreed to grant me this. I'm sorry." He says.

He wasn't sorry. There was nothing in his apology. No genuine meaning. He seriously is rejecting me? And wait, what about my sister?

"But I can love you better than she ever can and ever will. She isn't good at treating people with love." I start to try and change his mind.

"I've made my decision and it is final. Besides, you aren't my type and let's face it, you are weak and don't have what it takes to be the Luna of my pack." He says.

This isn't happening. He can't reject me. This has to be a nightmare. I feel my heart drop to the bottom of my stomach. Along with tears beginning to fall from my eyes as I try and stop them.

"Why?" I ask at first under my breath.

"What?" He asks.

"Why?" I ask.

"I told you why." He states.

"But how you could judge me when you don't even know me?!" I asked.

"I've seen and heard all about you." He tells me. "Now come on and lets get this over with. I'm bored and there really is no need for us to not tell everyone." He says while turning around to open the door but stops himself and turns back around to look at me.

"Oh and just so that you don't have to feel pain, I, Hamilton Warden, reject you, Audrina Rosenberg as my mate." He smirks and then turns back around to open the door and begins to leave.

I stand there however still in shock and disbelief at what just happened. How could he reject me? And how did him and my sister....Oh my god, they have met before.

I cover my mouth and try to keep myself from puking as I hold my stomach hoping the pain goes away along with the pain in my heart and hear him call out for me.

I try and put myself together and then start walking out beside him and we make our way out to everyone and stand beside one another as everybody starts looking at us.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make." He began.

I noticed out the corner of my eye that my sister was smiling in satisfaction. Which how could she do this? I told her his name and what he looked like a few days ago and she said nothing. I swear, I hate my family.

"Here it comes." I overheard somebody say under their breath.

I looked down at the floor while he continued.

"I have rejected Audrina here as my mate and am accepting her sister, Lizbeth as my mate.

Then a sound came out from everyone that I was in shock of. They all seemed to let out a breath of relief they were holding in. Wait, nobody is upset about this but me?

Wow, this is more embarrassing than ever right now. I got all dolled up for nothing. I couldn't take it for one more second. I just picked up the bottom half of my dress and let the tears flow as I ran out through the back door and through the woods as far as my legs would take me.

It was hard to see past the blurry vision I was having from the tears.

How could I have been so stupid?! To think that anyone, especially a mate could ever love me?! Why do I even bother when all hope is lost for me?!?

I end up eventually collapsing onto the ground as I continue crying wrapping my arms around my stomach and holding myself tightly, ignoring the cold air hitting my skin.

At this point, I hope the cold kills me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hey guys so, this is a sneek peek to one of my newest stories that I will begin posting for this Saturday, November 16th. There are two more sneek peeks I will be posting here in a few minutes called, 'Ocean' and 'My Ex-Bully Is My Bodyguard?'  Both will be cute and fun and the OCEAN one however, has a personal touch of mine to it as do all my stories but this one will be deeper and I will explain in the description as to why and how it is when I post it. I hope you enjoy this one and the others and will announce on Saturday when the next chapters for my 3 new stories are up!! Love you all! :):)

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