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"As much as I hate to admit it, he's right!" Amalia says as she watches Dally glide through the air.

"Twice in one day. That must be a record." Eva said and then pulled back her bow to make an arrow. "Let's concentrate on what we know best, ok?" She said and then started to shot arrows at an inhuman speed.

"No problem. We've got a score to settle with him!" Dally said and took out the monster.

"I've got a score to settle with all of them!" Finso said as she opened a portal, Yugo and Adamai took punched the shield one as Finso blasted at the other two. The fight then moved to the forest where Dally was listen for the monster He looked to his left and then his right and the monster came out the tree.

"Ah! Out of the way, Dally! Your blocking my shot!"  Eva said as she readied a freezing arrow. Amalia was above the fighting and another robot was blasting the trees so the clock would get through. Amalia hugged her knees and watched with pain and Terror in her eyes. Finso landed side her with a portal while Yugo and Adamai were chasing the other three puppets.

"Amalia, what's the matter? Pull yourself together!" Finso said attempting to put her hand on Amalia's shoulder but she thought it wouldn't help.

"Those, those wonderful trees, they're suffering!" Amalia said and closed her eyes. Finso looked down and saw black strings go around Eva's arms and legs, causing her to shot the arrow and hit the monster by missing Dally by a hair. Finso and Amalia watched as this unfolded but Finso wanted to help Amalia.

"Amalia, think of your people. Think of the Tree of Life! The future of the Sadida people is in your hands!" Finso said, trying to encourage her.

"I feel their pain!" Amalia said and then yelled in pain. "It's unbearable!" Amalia said, Finso didn't know what to do, help Yugo and Adamai, save Eva from the puppet or help Amalia overcome the pain. Then Dally tried to run to Eva but the puppet sent a ball of earth to Dally. Then the puppet pulled hard on the strings causing Eva to scream in pain.

"Evangelyne!" Amalia yelled. The she groaned in anger as her flower in her hair, her skin and hair grew a shade darker with two glowing dots appeared on her forehead. Amalia opened her eyes to show them pure white and she yelled in anger. She sent a blast of vines everywhere, hitting the Puppets and destroying them in the process and one knocked Finso down. 

Yugo caught her and smiled at her before opening a portal next to Amalia. Then purple beams shook the forest as everyone panicked a bit but Amalia stay extremely calm. She looked up and  and put her fist agaisnt the ground. One light got so close, Yugo used himself as a shield for Finso but Amalia made a vine barrier around them all to block out the beams.

"They're pure Stasis explosions, Yugo! There's nothing more dangerous!" Adamai said.

"Yes, I can see them! It's terrifying." Yugo said as he held Finso's hand, causing her to blush.

"It's unbelievable that Amalia can protect us against them!" Adamai said.

"It seems like the whole forest is helping her!" Eva said as Amalia began to struggle, Amalia then fell over along with the vine barrier. They all looked out as Eva helped Amalia up.

"The forest..." Finso said and stepped out of the green that was left. "Is gone." She whispered as Eva and Dally gasped. They only saw a giant robot with the clock behind it.

"What is that thing?" Yugo asked.

"No idea, but it doesn't look good!" Adamai said, then the robot aimed it's Stasis blast at the Eliatropes and blasted. "Get outta the way!" Adamai said and blasted the beam with his fire, Adamai was pushed back and landed on the ground.

"Adamai!" Yugo and Finso yelled as they ran to his side. The robot aimed it's other hand at them and readied another attack.

"Come on, let's pull ourselves together! Like Dally said, were not doing to badly at the moment." Eva said and aimed her bow and shot a fire arrow at the robot, he deflected it with his cannon but was covered in dust. The clock started moving as the robot jumped in the sky and landed behind Finso, Yugo and Adamai. It lifted his hands as Eva spoke. "Now this time it's really over!" Eva shield Amalia and waited for the blow, but it never came.

She turned and saw Dally holding up the attacks with Rubliax in his lava form.

"Eva! Get out of here!" Dally said as black and red smoke rose from his feet.

"You won't make it Dally! Get away from there!" Eva said as she tried to help Amalia.

"No way! Kn-kn- knights.." He paused as he got a better grip on Rubliax. "always defend their princesses!" Dally yelled as he started to fall.

"Let me out, Sir Shushu! Let's take care of this steel carcass together!" Rubliax yelled.

"Ok, let's go!" Dally yelled as he became a giant grey monster, Finso was so scared as she looked at the still hurt Adamai.

"Even in his demon form, Dally isn't strong enough." Finso said as she saw the robot hurt Dally.

"I'm gonna have to use the power of the Dofus. Finso-" Yugo said while looking at her Haven bag.

"No, Yugo. If you want us to have the slightest chance against Nox, we have to save it! There's no other way!" Adamai said and then he gasped.

"What's wrong?!" Finso said.

"Nox's clock! It's... It's coming closer!" Adamai said as he sat up, they all looked up and saw the clock slowly moving forward.

"No! Already?!" Yugo said, Adamai got up as.

"No! It's a good opportunity! Let's have faith in our friends and make the most of all this chaos to get inside the clock! Our only chance is to try to destroy it from the inside!" Adamai said as Finso nodded but Yugo looked behind him. She saw he didn't know what to do so she got up and held a hand to him, causing him to look at her.

"The sooner we find a solution, the sooner we can get them out of this mess." Finso said, Yugo to one last glance at his friends. He sighed and took her hand as she walked through a portal. They made portals until they made it into a the clock. Yugo landed on his knee, he looked shocked and fell over to where his was hands and knees. Finso looked at him and saw droplets hit the ground under his face.

"It's Dally. I-i sense a void!" Yugo said, Finso tried to visual Wakfu until she saw Dally into Eva's arms.

"Yes, his Wakfu has left our world." Adamai said.

"I'm sorry Yugo." Finso said and placed a hand on his back. Yugo closed his eyes and ran while yelling. Finso followed him and Adamai while her eyes filled with tears.

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