The hidden Oasis...

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Later, the four looked for the rock that Adamai was leading them to. Finso was in the Haven bag because of her injury but she had a portal open so she could look around. She saw Yugo was going super fast and then started sliding while pointing infront of himself.

"Ad! Over heeeeerrrreee!" He yelled as a rock hit his foot, causing him to fall down the cavern. Finso closed the portal she had and waited a bit before opening another and stuck her head out, only to find Yugo landed upside down. She sighed and got out her staff as she climbed out. "So? Is that it? Does it look like a dragon's head?" Yugo asked as Finso helped him up.

"Not really, looks more like Ruel's." Adamai said as he flew closer to the two, he still was a tofu for some reason of which none of them knew.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Finso asked while Yugo rubbed the back of his head.

"We've been looking for three days now!" Yugo said.

"And were almost out of food and water." Finso said, she had to make sure Yugo didn't eat and drink all of there supplies left.

"Grougal said, at the crossroads of two great currents of Wakfu, by the dragon-head rock, there lives the guardian of Grougaloragran's Dofus!" Adamai said as he flew high to see if maybe the rock was just up higher.

"Very precise, as usual." Yugo said and rested his hand on a rock which fell causing Adamai to fly closer to the three.

"Very graceful as usual." Finso said causing to rub the back of his head but Az tweeted to get everyone's attention. They each looked inside of it to find a torch handle. Finso went inside one of Yugo's portals with the other Tofu's. 

"Wow! A hidden oasis." Yugo said, he then saw a house and looked inside the window. Finso was looking at the water and looked inside her bag.

"Ad, Finso! Look, someone lives here! Yoohoo! Anyone home?" Yugo asked while still looking in the window. "Great! And the rock isn't here either." Yugo said as he made a portal to skip the stairs and be infront of Adamai.

"It's late and my wings are aching! Lets stop for the night. Hopefully the people who live here will be back soon and they'll know where the guardian is!" Adamai said.

"Well where do we sleep?" Yugo asked as Finso held up her bag.

"Well, not in the house. We're not even guests!" Finso said. 

"Come on! Let's rest by that big rock there." Adamai said, they then started making a little camp site. Finso got the last of the sutcack and they started roasting them while Adamai tried to tun back to normal.

"It's no use! It won't budge! It won't budge! I'm stuck in Tofu mode!" Adamai yelled and flew back to the others while Yugo was messing with his portals. "I really, really, really don't get it! How about you? Found anything new yet?" He asked Yugo.

"Nope, and I don't really know what else to do now. I think I've done everything I can with my portals." Yugo said.

"And remind me again why you guys won't let me use my portals?" Finso groaned.

"Because using the portals would take your energy and you need to wait till you get better." Yugo said, causing Finso to groan and reel her head back.

"Stupid Bow Wow, stupid Nox." Finso said, Adamai explained before that the Bow Wow that was hunting them was Nox's which ticked Yugo off more than before.

"Have you ever tried to do more than two portals at once?" Adamai asked, Yugo gave him a weird look.

"Thats one" Yugo said and opened a portal to his right. "And two" opened a portal to his left "And three!" and opened a portal above his head but the other two disappeared.

"And zero!" Adamai said jokingly while Yugo groaned.

"Let me try something else." Yugo said and opened two portals to his left and tried to open a third one again but the other two disappeared causing him to groan again. Finso smiled and drew a picture and wrote down ideas on how to make more than one portal. He tried again and again getting more frustrated than the last. 

He opened another portal and moved his second in a circle causing his first one to disappear and the second one to blast Wakfu out of it which then hit Az. Az then flew into a pond and Finso followed him. She slowly picked him and tried not to touch the burn and Yugo followed her.

"Az. I'm sorry. It was an accident. I don't even know what I did. It happened so fast." Yugo said but Az didn't even look at Yugo.

"You just invented the Tofu toaster!" Adamai said.

"Ad, it's not funny! He's burnt, pretty bad to. Poor thing." Finso said.

"Don't worry, Az is super strong. And what's a burnt butt agaisnt a brand new power? Cool no?" Ad said.

"Your right, so I'll try it on your but next!" Yugo said as Adamai ran away and yelled in protest and Yugo just laughed. Az and Finso just watched them and she sighed.

"Let's see if I have anything for that burn." Finso said, she wasn't sure she did but it wouldn't hurt. They all came back and Finso went inside the Haven bag to rest While Yugo kept an eye out for the people who lived in the home but he fell asleep like usual but Finso was fine with it.

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