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Turns out that Comet could change his size so she rode on him while Yugo was with Adamai. Finso liked the breeze flowing through her hair as Comet glided above Adamai. About a few days of rest, they made it into Sadida territory.

"Were arriving in Sadida territory..." Adamai said, Finso was flying next to them and she felt how tried Comet was.

"Good thing to, Comet's getting tired by the second." Finso said.

"Were gonna see our friends again!" Yugo said, they soon saw the boarder of the Sadida kingdom but then, arrows were shot as Yugo. Yugo and Finso used there portals to hover behind the leader. Comet srank and Finso opened her bag for him to rest. She made him an area so he could rest in the bag when he got to tired. Yugo explained they were friends of Amalia and asked if he could take them to her.

"Arrest them!" The leader said, they all didn't resist as the villagers looked at them with fearful looks. They then were taken to the king. "Your highness. We have captured two enemy creatures. But be careful your highness. They twist there words. They tried to dupe us with their tales! Luckily, we saw through it!" The archer leader said while holding a wanted poster with two small creatures.

Both were blue but the third one looked like it had a hat like Yugo's so Finso understood the confusion. The king slowly walked towards the three and Finso clutched her staff and bag. He stood before them and seemed like a warrior.

"Master dragon. It is an honor" The king said as he bowed. Adamai said the king could call him Adamai. They talked for a bit until Finso's back stung again, causing her to close her eyes in pain and look towards the ground. "Is she alright?" The king asked.

"No, she was injured during our quest to get Grougaloragran's Dofus. A deep cut that she has had for about a week." Yugo said.

"Guard, take this little lady to the medic room." The king said as a Guard walked up to Finso.

"I'll see you soon." Yugo said, Finso smiled and was brought to the medic. The guard explained the injury and left after making sure everything was in order. Finso sat on a bed and the nurse cut the bandages and used a certain flower that healed the cut instantly.

"You may want to wait for a few hours before using magic or doing anything really active. There is a scar left and clothes in your room." The nurse said as the guard led her to her room. She was in a room next to Yugo and Adamai. She walked to the mirror and looked at the scar on her back and sighed. About a few hours later, she was going to go to bed until she heard a knock on her door. She opened it to find Yugo.

"Do you want to hang out, just the two of us?" Yugo asked.

"Sure, I could use a breather." Finso said as they walked down the hallway. Yugo opened a portal and grabbed Finso's hand and ran through the portal. They landed infront of a long lake with a blanket next to the river. They sat on the blanket and watched the moon and the river for about a couple of minutes.

"Can I tell you a secret Finso?" Yugo asked with his cheeks red.

"Of course." Finso said with a smile.

"You promise you won't laugh?" Yugo asked her, she nodded. "I think I like someone." Yugo said and looked at the water while holding his hands. Finso went pink and looked at him a bit.

"I guess were in the same boat." Finso said.

"O-oh. Who do you l-like?" Yugo asked, Finso didn't answer and then he got the picture. "Is it m-me?" He asked, Finso nodded. Yugo was stunned but then he smiled and scooted over closer to her and held her hand. He lifted up her chin and closed the gap between the two, unaware that Adamai and Comet were watching.

"We should head back." Adamai said very quietly to Comet who nodded and they both flew back to there rooms and fell asleep like nothing happened. Yugo let go of her chin and looked into her dark blue eyes. Finso smiled and laid down, Yugo did the same so Finso rested her head on his chest and watched the stars.

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