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"Grougal!" Adamai said.

"Yes Adamai. Grougal felt that to, Nox is coming." Grougaloragran said as he turned to his left. He landed on the beach as a giant clock appeared from a giant portal.

"Grougaloragran, I'm so pleased to see you again!" Nox said when he appeared infront of his clock. "I apologize for the delay.  Your little veil of invisibility to protect the island wasn't bad and without this band of pathetic creatures, I'd never have found you!" Nox said and Finso looked at Yugo who looked guilty but she looked back at Nox.

"We'll see who's pathetic! Get ready guys!" Dally yelled.

"I'll show him what happens when you attack these warriors!" Yugo yelled, they all jumped but Finso was a little late and they all stopped in midair. Finso turned to look at Grougaloragran as he spoke.

"You warm Grougaloragran's old heart. But this battle is not yours to fight! See you soon, my little brothers and sister." Grougaloragran said as he sent them away.

"Grougaloragran! NO!" Finso yelled, they crashed into a place with snow. Finso got up and walked towards the now frozen part of the ocean. She looked around and crossed her eyes. "NO!" She yelled and kept on punching the ice. Yugo woke up and pulled her away.

"You have to let go Finso! Calm down." He yelled and she just slump forward, Yugo put a hand on her shoulder and she hugged him. Yugo was surprised at first but then gave her a hug to comfort her. She then calmed down and he helped her towards Ruel's bag. He got her in and help sit on a sofa where she hugged her knees and sighed. Yugo wrapped a blanket around her and smiled. She gave him a smile as he sat next to her as well as Adamai.

"Look, I'm happy to have you in my Haven bag, and I've decided I'm not gonna charge you rent, but don't go getting used to it, huh, and don't touch anything!" Ruel said.

"You know, Ruel, I wouldn't touch anything if you asked me!" Amalia said.

"Well we're better off in here than outside, but you really need to do something about that disgusting smell, Ruel. I mean we all have to be in here together-" Eva was cut off by Ruel.

"You get used to it after a while." Ruel said, Finso looked down at her legs and sighed.

"Come on your two, Don't worry. Grougaloragran is a dragon" Yugo said, Finso hugged herself.

"We know Yugo, but he's been like a father to us. We can't help but be scared." Adamai said, Finso shook her head. Finso grabbed her sketch book and pencil and started to draw Grougaloragran but her tears ruined the sketch lines.

"Is that a sketch of me?" Yugo asked while pointing at the sketch she had drawn when they very first met. She shook her head and Yugo smiled. "It's really good! I wish I was that good!" Yugo said while closing his eyes, Finso gave him a small smile and blushed and looked down at the picture.

"Yugo, let me borrow Az! I may need some bait." Dally said Az went to follow him. Finso finished her sketch and Az came flying in, Ava and Yugo went to find Dally and brought him back but he was in a ice cube. Finso got up from the couch but not close.

"It's a good thing Az came and warned us." Yugo said while putting his hand agaisnt the ice. Adamai blew fire on the ice cube, free Dally who was shivering cold so Finso gave him the blanket she had.

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