Chapter 39

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Night falls.

Masahiko leads him down the mountain, as they continue to make small talk. This time, the snow fall is light and gentle, like powdered sugar atop cheesecake. At least that was how Mitsuri would put it. He holds his hands out, as he watches some of the snowflakes fall onto his fingers and immediately melt and disintegrate on contact. It is a strangely pleasant feeling, as the skies are clear and the moon guides them down on their path.

He can see the bustle of civilisation, lights a warm orange, bright and familiar. They are specks of glowing orange lanterns, which stand out more amongst the white snow and the dark night, illuminate by the moon's glory as it is a reminder for him of how long he had been separated from other people for so long. The sight ignites a feeling of comfort, longing and warmth in his heart, as his eyes glance over the sight.

Masahiko sets a hand on his shoulder.

"There will be a lot of people out tonight, so I'll need you to put on your hood. Himura will send an escort down to greet us, so do not be alarmed. Tell me when you want to head down, and take your time," Masahiko's hand on his shoulder is reassuring and supportive. Kyojuro turns and smiles at him, as Ren peeks out from the pocket in his winter haori jacket.

They continue the trek down, as Kyojuro tells Masahiko more about his time as a pillar, which while painful, was a reminder of who he was.... and still am. Masahiko makes a great listener, commenting every so often, but he is amazingly patient and knows how to encourage him to open up and speak more, as well as to remember the other Hashira and his family. He's relieved he could still remember those piece of important information, which made up his identity.

Down at the town's gates, there are many people milling about. He sees families preparing for the winter, and many stalls being set up by the sides of the main road into the town, selling hot food and he smells the scent of sweet potatoes, and it brings him the memory of him and his brother sharing one as children.

The lanterns hanging from the cart like stalls are softly illuminating the area, as more lights and decorations hang from the edges and roofs of the buildings, and there are children playing about in the soft snow, even as it was nightfall. Musicians and story tellers sat by the light of warm fires, as people of all ages crowded around the Rakugoka*, eager to hear mere snippets of the stories told, as they munched on savoury roasted sweet potatoes, takoyaki and other snacks.

"Yuuki-onna is the pale skinned, black haired yokai who dwells on snowy mountains. She comes in the form of a beautiful woman, and with her, accompanies a small child, who follows her wherever she goes. Legend has it that she will approach those who step atop her mountain, and ask them to hug her child," Some of the crowd seemed somewhat drawn in and entertained by the last statement. Kyojuro stops to listen as well.

"However, one must never hug her child, for those who hug her child will slowly freeze to death, as the snow grows suffocatingly heavy around them," The Rakugoka emphasises, as he waves his fan out menacingly at the crowd, some of whom draw back at his movements.

"Then what should we do? Not hug the child?" Ironically, a small child asks. The Rakugoka opens his fan, as he begins to fan himself whilst looking at the child.

"No, no. If one refuses, Yuuki-onna will shove you over a cliff. So one should ever be atop the snowy mountains at night, for no one can escape Yuuki-onna," The Story teller smirks at the child, who stares back at him bravely.

Kyojuro takes several steps back. Yuuki-onna.

He feels a pair of hands on his shoulders.

They are heavy, cold, and the fingers brush against his neck, sending shivers up his spine as it sends his senses tingling.

He knows they are but ghosts in the wind, something only he can sense.

"However, it is possible to please Yuuki-onna. A warrior was once asked to hug her child, and his hands being full, he held his blade by his mouth, which allowed him to avoid being frozen to death. While some say that it was because he had an iron will, and other said he managed to outsmart Yuuki-onna, she then showered him with gifts as thanks for hugging her child. Not only this, those who can withstand the ever increasing weight of the child are said to gain great power," The crowd claps enthusiastically for the Rakugoka, who bows before he continues on with his next story.

Kyojuro rests his gaze on the crowd, before he turns back to Masahiko, who is petting a large collared dog half his size, with a coat of striped and mixed red and black brindle. He walks over, only to find that the dog turns to him, and growls, baring its teeth at him before he chooses to stay put.

Masahiko strokes the Kai Ken, as he reassures it, or calms it down to a point in which it was not as aggressive to him.

He knows that animals are very sensitive to the presence of demons and other evil spirits. Frankly, he should have expected this to happen. He sighs, his breath equally as cold as his surroundings.

He turns away, letting his eyes settle and watch the numerous people around them mill about, as Masahiko continues to calm the dog. 

Then he feels it. 

A cold, inviting sensation washes over him as he turns his head to look in the direction of which it beckoned him to. It was like cold, near freezing water was streaming down his back and down his arms, which sent chills up his spine as his gaze found what it wanted him to see. 

With white hair sheltered partially in the night as well as the cover of her hood, her icy mask the colour of crimson blood was of a sharp contrast against her pale skin, as she looked up and into his eyes. Adorning a thick cloak with the pattern of silver frost and its gold lined edges, she was so close, and yet so far from him.

It was then he realised that the demon in his dreams had stepped into reality.

She waited, amongst the people, for him, and only for him. 

Rakugoka* -  A lone storyteller which practices or takes part in Rakugo, a form of Japanese verbal entertainment.

Yokai* - Ghost, Phantom or Strange Apparition 

Kai Ken* - A Japanese native dog breed which looks like this: 

Kai Ken* - A Japanese native dog breed which looks like this: 

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'He knows that animals are very sensitive to the presence of demons and other evil spirits.'

- I'm not too sure if this is the case in the manga and anime, but I believe it should be since the demons aren't normal or part of nature, and most are created by Muzan with the exception of Yushiro who was turned by Tamayo. In this story, most animals will show aggression to demons, with the exceptions of a few animals.

Heart Of Fire; Veins Of Ice | Kimetsu No Yaiba Fanfic (Kyojurou's POV)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant