Chapter 20

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I woke up to sunshine shining in my face, and grab my phone to see that it's almost noon.
I guess with the time zone difference and staying up really late caused us to sleep in a little.

I roll over to see Jeff still deep asleep and take in his features.

His nose scrunches slightly as he breaths, and when he sleeps his bad boy image is gone, and instead he looks like a little boy.

Instead of waiting for him to wake up or waking him up, I decide to start getting ready for the day.
As soon as I jump in the shower, I feel the curtain move behind me, and hands graze my waist.
"Jeff," I exclaim slightly startled. He was asleep not even two minutes ago.

"Yes darling?" He asks brushing his fingers through my hair.

"You were just asleep," I tell him, looking into his eyes.

"I heard the shower start," He says and I roll my eyes.

What was supposed to be a ten minute shower, ended up being about a half an hour, and by the time we got out, the entire bathroom was steamed up.

"Let's do that again tomorrow," Jeff winked at me and I laughed.

I quickly dried my hair and put some light makeup on before picking out light washed jeans, a navy sweater and some boots.

Jeff was dressed in black jeans and a gray long sleeved shirt. Such a simple outfit but he still managed to make it look so good.

"You look spiffy," I tell him as he pulls me in for a kiss.

"You look gorgeous," He tells me, bringing a smile to my face as we head downstairs to Jeff's rental car.

Knowing I'm about to meet his parents is scary, but I just keep reminding myself that it'll be okay. Or at least I can hope.

We pull up to a house and the car comes to a stop, and that's when my nerves started to set in.

"Alright let's go," Jeff says as he starts getting out but I don't move from the seat.

He notices shortly after and looks at me confused.

"What's wrong?" He asks, sliding back into the seat.

"What if they don't like me?" I ask and his facial expressions soften.

"What are you talking about? They're going to love you," He assures me but it doesn't calm my nerves any.

He grabs my hand to reassure me, and I unwillingly pull myself out of the car.

"I promise it'll be fine," He says as we walk up to the house.
"Ma? Daddy?" He yells when we get in the house. I can't help but smirk when I hear him calling his dad daddy.
"What?" He asked when he saw me smirk.

"Daddy?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Jeff?" I hear a female voice call back, and suddenly a shorter woman, who looks very similarly to Jeff appears.
"Oh Jeff I missed you," She pulls him into a hug, and I can't help but smile at the interaction.

"I missed you too ma," He says and they pull away.

As soon as they pull away her eyes land on me, and her eyes light up.
"And ma, this is Elena," He says and she immediately pulls me into a hug.
"It's so nice to meet you," I tell her, and just by the hug I know I'll get along well with her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you," She says and I look up to see Jeff blushing.

For the next couple of hours we visit with his family, and they're so much better than I could've imagined. I've never felt more at home in a house that isn't mine.

Jeff's older brother, James came a little bit ago, and it's weird to see them together.

They're both too attractive for their own good, have a bad boy style but James is more artsy than Jeff.

"So Elena, tell us about yourself," Jeff's dad spoke up.

"What do you want to know?" I ask taking a grape from the platter of snacks on the coffee table.

"What do you do for a job?" He asks me.

"I'm actually in law school right now," I tell him and he immediately looks impressed.

"Law school huh?" His dad asked.

"What made you want to be a lawyer?" His mom asked.

"I'm not sure. I've always enjoyed learning about it so I decided to go for it,"
"That's pretty impressive," She tells me and I smile.

"Thank you," I tell her.

"Don't let her be humble. She scored about a 3.7 this semester and won her case in a trial thing they have to do which sounds hard," Jeff tries to explain but I can't help but chuckle at him terminology.

"Oh wow congratulations Elena. That's amazing," His mom praises and I can't help but feel proud.

"Hey Jeff may need you coming up," James jokes and everyone laughs.

We start talking about Jeff's court appearances that are coming up, that I guess he's still dealing with.
I thought he had everything done with, but he just has a few to finalize everything and provide last minute arguments.

"I can go over the case with you," I tell him and he smiles.

It feels as though we've been here for only two hours, but it's already time for dinner, so I help Jeff's mom cook while the guys stay in the living room talking about football.

"How'd you meet Jeff?" His mom asked while I cut up the peppers.
I explained to her how I know Jeff and all of his friends, and she listens intently.

"Are you guys together?" She asked and I can't help but think that myself.
"I don't really know. I think we're just going with the flow and see where it ends up," She nods in understanding, and we fall into a comfortable silence.

"Well, even if you're not dating, my Jeff is so much happier with you around," She says and I stop cutting the peppers for a second in shock.

"Every time I talk to him its 'Elena did this' and 'Elena did that.' I've genuinely never seen him smile and laugh this much, so thank you," She finishes and I can feel my eyes tearing up. I'm sure as a mom the best thing is to see your kids happy, and I'm glad I can be apart of what makes him happy. 


Awww so cute

Also I know that Jeff has a sister (just found that out) but I just remember him saying he had a brother when I started writing this so we're just gonna roll with the brother thing. 

Also I made up his name so ignore that haha 

Anyway enjoy

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