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Five years later -

Casper has been a tremendous help with my anxiety over the last several years;It's still present in my life and I'm still on my medicine but the dosage has been lowered; so, yeah on all this!

Yes, Casper and I have been together this entire time; we've had our fights and those are usually over stupid stuff like most couple's arguments. I graduated from college three years ago because of an accelerated program and I've been working as a child psychologistthe last two years. I

I love my job and helping children learn to deal with their emotional issues and mental disorders; I've opened my own center of children to attend six days a week; Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday's from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We offer breakfast, lunch and dinner during the week and breakfast and lunch on Saturday; along with snacks. 

We offer drama classes, arts and crafts, different sport activities and counseling sessions - individual and group and family. We run a center for people ages 5 to 20 years old with a staff of twenty people; from cooks, therapists, staff members for activities and what-not. When I say 'we', I'm talking about Casper and me; he went to college for business and runs that aspect of the center and one of the activity member's. I'm one of the therapist and an activities member; I run the theater part. 

Casper and I have adopted two boys, Jace and Ryan; Jace is 9 years old with dark brown hair and brown eyes and Ryan is 7 years old with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. They were two of the boys that used to come to the center from the group home for orphans; Jace has A.D.D. and Ryan was emotionally and physically abused by his birth parents until he was 5 years old and was removed from their care after his teacher called Child Protective Services. 

Casper and I also have two biological children; 4 year old Declan, who has dirty blond hair and blue eyes and 2 year old, Carson, who has dark brown hair and blue eyes. I'm also eight and a half months pregnant with our last baby; which is a GIRL! Please don't think we don't love our boys because we absolutely do! We're naming our daughter, Kaila Maree (the Kaila after papa since his name is Malakai). We then will have Jace Michael, Ryan Nicholas, Declan James, Carson Owen and Kaila Maree. 

Daddy and I have slowly repaired our relationship over the years; sadly I don't believe it we will never have a great relationship but that's life. Papa and I are still like we have always been, despite my heading off to college across country. Pops isn't doing very well, gramps died nine months ago and we're all afraid that pops won't be far behind gramps. I'm not ready for him to leave us yet, as I wasn't ready for gramps to leave us. 

Ivy has her college degree in biochemical engineering and lives with her boyfriend of two years, Ian. They met at college in one of the coffee shops, where they litterly bumped into each other; as Ian was exiting and Ivy was entering with her friends and they bumped into each other. Holly is studying overseas at the University of London for theater and she's 20 years old. 

Gab is now 18 years old and a senior in high school; dating an awesome guy named Gavin Matthews. They are so damn cute together and have been dating for two years; Gabriel realized he was gay when he was 15 years old and talked with me first before telling the rest of our family one night at a family dinner about two weeks later. 

Neva and Nicholas are now 9 years old and are in the 4th grade. Nic loves spending time with my boys and staying at my house; as he loves being around my boys. Neva, not so much on spending too much time at my house since 'there are too many boys there', her words not mine. 

All in all, my life has turned out awesome and I cannot complain; I have a beautiful family and great friends. 

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