23: The Whole Story

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His phone vibrated in his pocket, and he slid it out, his heart dropping to his stomach.

A message from Slade.

Time to work kid.


Julian got unto his bike, pulling out onto the road. He was tired of this. Tired of fighting, of putting himself in danger for his uncle's benefit. Tired of the secrets he had to keep from his family, because he had to protect them.

He definitely didn't see himself doing this for the rest of his life. He could see it, a nice three story house, picket fence and all, his Bella with a dashing ring on her finger, he'd probably have a simple nine to five job at the office, Isabella could be a stay at home mom if she'd prefer, or he'd support her wholely if she pursued something for herself.

Maybe a few years down the line, they could start a family. He definitely could see it, a perfect picturesque family. But all that prevented his dream from ever happening was this.

He would never be truly happy if he knew they would constantly be looking over their shoulders. That wasn't a life he had envisioned.

He couldn't keep doing this, at first he had loved it, the familiar thrill, the adrenaline rushing through his veins when he attacked his opponent in the ring, and the way he'd feel after winning. But now, since meeting Isabella, he couldn't see himself being this anymore.

He pulled up at the abandoned parking lot shortly, his decision burning itself into his mind. He'd been having doubts even before meeting Isabella, she was the final smack up the head that he needed to realize, to realize what a naive fool he'd been.

Another fight was taking place in the ring, a new guy, and Mikey. Mikey was winning, the new guy bruised, staggering slightly. Julian winced. So this is what it looked like, being on the other side.

Mikey threw another jab at the guy who pummeled to the ground. The crowd went wild as he threw his hands up in the air, joining the crowd as they cheered him on.

He went around the crowd, having spotted Slade. Slade met him halfway, dragging him away from the noise. "You're late, fight starts in a few minutes. Get prepped". Julian stood his ground, squaring his shoulders defiantly. "No".

Slade chuckles. "And you really think you have a say in the matter right? That's cute, you've got two minutes". Slade turns to walk away, when Julian spoke again. "I quit". Slade's body shook with laughter. "You can't quit, boy, there is only one way out of this. A bullet between your eyes."

Julian stiffens. "You'd really kill me huh?" Slade shrugs. "Family means nothing to me, and you know too much, can't have you ratting me out to the pigs". He smirks. "Or I could pay a visit to that little whore always hanging off your shoulder".

"Stay away from my family Slade", he sneers, clenching his fists. Slade scoffs. "And you'll do what exactly? Run to your father? I doubt he's the understanding type". Julian fixes him with a glare. "Don't worry about what I'll be doing. Uncle".

Julian spun on his heels, making his way out the parking lot. He leans against his bike, his mind filtering through everything Slade had said. Slade was obviously fucked up, with no sense of morality, Julian swung one leg over his bike, only to freeze midway at the obvious cock of a gun. He threw a look over his shoulder, not surprised to see his uncle standing there, arms crossed, the new guy who was fighting in the ring stood with the gun in his hand, three other men by Slade's side. "Do this for me, and all your debts will vanish", he said to the men.

Before he could react, the men surrounded him. He knew he couldn't take them on, not by himself.

Minutes later he was a bloody mess on the floor, the firing of the gun rang in his ears, as the bullets bit through his skin, once, twice.

Then the hazy sound of their footsteps retreating. He wanted to cry out, but the searing pain crippled him. He didn't believe in the, seeing your life flash before your eyes, but in that moment he did. He saw the life he could've lived, with Isabella, a good one, but he would die on the cold ground, alone, scared and worried for his family.

Family. He couldn't leave them, if Slade ever got to them.... he didn't even want to imagine what he'd do. He clutched his torso as pain doubled him over, as he forced himself off the ground. Huffing through the pain. He had to fight through this. Slade would go after them, Isabella, her parents. Quinn who was pregnant, his parents, everyone he knew and loved.

Going to a hospital was out of the question, he had to make sure she was safe first. Julian had no idea if it was the adrenaline coursing through his veins, or the very need to protect his family, or maybe both, but he managed to throw his leg over the bike, focusing on only her, her lips, eyes, her smile, how her eye twitches when she got angry. It made him smile through the pain.

It was a miracle he arrived at her house in one piece, but he did, the last thing he remembered was passing out on the kitchen floor. Waking up he found her over him, eyes glazed over with tears, a phone pressed to her ear, her hands shakily holding a towel to his wounds.

Through all the tears and runny nose, she looked like an angel, because that was what she really was. A goddamn angel. And she was his.

The Calm Before The Stormحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن