5: Broken

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Izzy woke up as her alarm went off, shutting it off, she stretches, with a tired yawn. She couldn't sleep, tossing and turning the entire night. Throwing off the warm covers reluctantly, she sits up in bed. She takes a shower, washing her hair with an apple scented shampoo. Once out she slides into a pair of ripped jeans, a blue t-shirt, and a pair of converse.
Downstairs she found her father at the table at usual, coffee in one hand, his morning paper in the other. "I'm heading to school Papa", she tells him. He glances at her and nods. "Okay, Izzy." Michael sighs putting down his paper. "We need to talk Izzy", he says. She frowns, but takes a seat. "What's the problem?"

"I know you want your mother and I back together, but it won't work out, I love her, God knows I still do, but I can't just forget about what she did Izzy". Her frown deepened. "But- yesterday-".

Michael nods. "That was nothing Izzy". She swallows, getting up with a heavy heart. She had been trying for months to get them back together, maybe Josh was right. She should've just let them be.

"I understand". She says. "I'll see you tonight", with that she left.

As soon as she was in the driveway, she heard him. Isabella groans. "Hey there Bella", he walked up to her, slinging an arm around her shoulder, eyes twinkling. "Want a ride to school?" He offers. She shook her head.

"Josh is picking me up", she says, the lie slipping out easily. Julian nods. "Okay then, don't say I didn't offer". She forces a smile on her face, turning away from him, and walking to the nearest bus stop.

At school she met up with her friend, a tall brunette, with shoulder length hair and silver-grey eyes. Maria grins hurrying to meet her. "Have you seen him? Tell me you've seen him", she rambles. Izzy frowns. "Who?" Maria groans. "Like, the hottest guy in the school of course". Izzy groans. "Not again Maria".

Maria rolls her eyes, looping her arm through Izzy's, leading her to their homeroom where they met up every morning. Maria all but dragged her into a seat. "I heard he's a total badass", she says, eyes filled with awe. "Looks like the new kid has attracted the biggest stalker in Star Valley High". Emma slid into the seat before them, spinning around to look at them. "Oh shut up", Maria scoffs at the dark skinned female, a pinkish tinge to her cheeks from embarrassment.

Izzy laughs, making Maria scowl, crossing her arms in defence. "It's not my fault I'm attracted to beautiful men", Maria defends. Izzy nods. "Like Ashton, major douche bag-".
"And Jordan", Emma continued. "Before that it was that jock who picked on the other kids, Ned. Yup, they were definitely beautiful". Izzy finishes with a small laugh making Maria pout. "You guys are no fun", she says.

The teacher came in at that moment, giving out announcements for the week, then were were dismissed for class.

"Welcome back guys", the teacher, Mrs. Donald says. The classroom was filled with murmurs, until it finally settled down. "We have a new student to this class", she glances at the door. "It seems he must be late, anyway, turn to page fifty nine of your text books".

Izzy grabs her book from her bag and finds the page easily, resting her notebook on the desk.

"Right on time", Mrs. Donald says sarcastically, glancing at the student who walked in. Maria nudged her shoulder. "That's him, oh my bloody hell, he's hotter than I thought". Izzy rolls her eyes.

Mrs. Donald clears her throat. "Class let me introduce Julian Austin, newest member of our class. Find an empty seat". His eyes stopped on her as they swept the room, before a smile made its way unto his face. He walks to the seat to her left, which was occupied, one glance and the boy scrambled up from his seat.

He takes a seat. "Nice seeing you here Bella", he says. She nods, ignoring both looks Maria and Emma threw at her.

At lunch they found a table meeting up with Elliot, he was a few shades darker than her, and had dark eyes. He swung an arm around her shoulder. "Long time no see", he says to them. Emma rolls her eyes. "You saw us last week Elliot, at Ray's party". Elliot laughs. "That was a great party though, until the cops came to shut it down anyways".

Izzy laughs, which turned into a frown upon seeing Josh. Her friends all knew about their fight, since she had told them. And she was glad they weren't in the same class. She didn't want to see him, not after what he said.

But here he was, walking towards them. He sits beside her, a look of regret on his face, she ignores him, talking to her friends as if she'd never seen him. "I'm sorry Izzy", he whispers after a few minutes.

She got up, taking up her tray. "I'll see you guys in class", she tells them.

She leaves the cafeteria in a hurry.

She found herself outside, walking to the tall oak tree in the school yard, she sat on the bench, taking out her notes from the previous class. "Nice spot ain't it?" She looks up, the person's face blocked by a slight fog of smoke, but she could make him out clearly. "When are you never smoking, Julian?" She questions. She shrugs, removing the blunt from between his lips, letting out a puff of smoke. "You look stressed, want some?" She scoffs. "Smoking kills, you do know that right?" Julian shrugs, taking a seat beside her. "As you can see love, I'm still alive", she rolls her eyes, bringing her attention back to her notes.

"I thought I'd find you here", she looks up and groans. "Not now Josh, honestly, I don't want to see you".

"You heard her, get going, little pussy", Julian sneers. Joshua laughs. "So you're friends now huh, we're not over Izzy".

Julian gets up, fists clenched. "I suggest you leave now, or I'll make you, but I don't think you'll be able to walk after I'm done with you".

Joshua laughs, his eyes focused on Isabella. "You know the influence my family has Izzy, with just a snap of my fingers, I can ruin you", his eyes softened. "But I won't, because I love you, your friends on the other hand-". He didn't have the chance to continue, as Julian's fist connected with his face, his nose making a sickening crack.

Josh curses, nursing his broken nose. "I'll get you for this", he says rushing off.

"You didn't have to do that", she says. He flexes his fingers, and smiles. "Sure I did".

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