18: Spoiling

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Izzy, after convincing her parents she was sick, she had enough time to braid her hair to pass the time while waiting for Julian. She made breakfast, showered, and had time to silence Ivy. Luckily she had found an off switch which proved reliable.

She watched TV for awhile, until the doorbell rang. Knowing it was Julian she hurried to the door. Her heart fell when she realised it was only Nathaniel. He smirks at her reaction. "Is that any way to treat your friend Isabella?" He presses a hand to his chest in mock hurt. "You wound me babe". She rolls her eyes, moving away from the door to let him in. He follows her in. "So no drinks then? You're hospitality sucks by the way Isabella, anyway, since I'm the hired gun today-". He pulls an envelope from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. "What's this?" She asks with a frown.

Nate shrugs. "No clue, but it's from Julian". She pulls open the little flap eagerly, finding a single sheet of paper. She unfolded it, and read.

Dear Bella,
I'm not as romantic as I should be, and you're hands down the best girl for me. My heart speeds up when I think of, you're the first thought that enters my mind when I awake in the mornings, and you're all I think about before I go to bed.

I simply can't get enough of you Bella. And I want to show you that. I've had our entire day planned out, and a surprise at the end of the day. Dress comfy Bella, and bring a swimsuit.

Izzy's heart fluttered, as she looked up at Nate. "Where is he?" Nate shrugs, making a zipping motion on his lips as he threw away the key. She groans, with a slight smile. "I'm your driver today, Madam, so get ready, we need to be there at ten".

She took another quick shower, before picking out an outfit for their day. She slips on a peach tee-shirt, and dark blue rompers, followed by a pair of blue sneakers. Her hair was braided straight down, adjusting herself in the mirror. She grabbed her bag and met Nathaniel downstairs.

In the car she took deep breaths trying to not seem overly excited, of which she was doing a terrible job. Nathaniel glanced at her occasionally in the mirror. He smirks. She pulls out her phone, trying to distract herself.

A few minutes later, she felt the car stop. The door opened and she got out, thanking Nate. They were out of town, the car parked before one of the nature trails leading into the forest.  She took a second to take in the tranquility of the area. Nate was propped against his car, he points to a flower vase set on one of the park benches. Taking it as a cue, she walked over, taking it up, and reading the note tucked safely underneath.

Follow the trail. It read.

She admired the flower arrangement, tulips, her favourite, she took one, gave Nate a smile before following the trail. The path was unbelievable smooth, as she walked slowly, listening to the soft chirps of the birds. She came to a section of the trail, where it branched off, another makeshift sign with Julian's neat cursive writing said.

This way to the guy of your dreams.

She laughed, but followed the trail. Soon enough she was met with soft music, a clearing was up ahead, where she spotted Julian.

A blanket was spread on the grass, a picnic basket set in the middle. He met her with a smile. "This is awesome", she tells him. Julian beamed at her happily. "Only the best for you babe", he winks. He took her arm, leading her to a spot on the checkered blanket. She leaned against him. "You didn't have to do this", she says. A soft chuckle on his part vibrated throughout her. "Yes I did", he flips open the picnic basket, taking out a bunch of grapes.

He tugs off a few, feeding her. "You're my girl Bella, and this will always be how I'll treat you", warmth surged to her cheeks. He presses a kiss to her forehead, entangling their fingers together, pressing another kiss to their hands. Izzy turns in his grasp. "Are you okay with me....with us not having sex? Are you really?"

Julian smiles. "I am Bella. I mean, I crave touching you, but unless you want to, I won't go any further, okay?"

The time was filled with talking and laughing, Julian dishing out jokes that made her stomach flip from the intensity of her laughter.

Sandwiches followed, then a bit of kissing, which always made her toes curl in utmost pleasure. The entire day he treated her as such, as a queen.

After all the food had disappeared, along with half a bottle of wine he carried, they lay on their backs, their entangled hands resting on Julian's chest. "I enjoyed today Julian", she tells him. In response he pressed a kiss to their hands.

They for silent for a few more minutes, until Julian slid into a sitting position. "We should get going", Izzy frowns, with a pout. "Why?" He grins. "Because our date isn't over yet, Bella".

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