11: Baby

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As soon as Michael was out the door, she heard him call. Pulling back the drapes, she sighs. "I can't go out Julian". He frowns. "You look awful". She rolls her eyes. "No kidding Einstein". He chuckles. "You're moody", he notes. She goes to pull the drapes shut. "I'm kidding Bella. I'm coming over okay?" She pulls the drapes shut, going downstairs. Julian was at the door, a grin on his face.

She opens the door allowing him in. "So you're Dad is an FBI agent", he says. Izzy nods. "Yeah, and?" Julian shrugs. "Just curious", he says. "I'm going back to bed". She mumbles heading up the stairs. "We could still go out", he suggests. Izzy shook her head. "Not up to it". Julian sighs. "Let me take care of you then". He says. "The best remedy for a cold is chicken soup, my Mom's recipe".

Izzy smiles. "So you'll be my slave until I get better?" Julian chuckles. "If you put it that way, then I guess I am". He leads her the couch, making her sit and switching the TV on. "I'll be back with your soup soon".

She nods, flipping through the channels in boredom.

She had nearly fallen asleep, when Julian was done, sitting beside her, a bowl of soup before him. He scoops up a bit with the spoon and cools it. "Open up Bella", he says. She couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not a baby Julian", she says. A twinkle appeared in his eyes. "You're my baby Bella, and yes I'm pretty sure you can feed yourself, but just let me okay?" A deep blush crawled up her neck, Izzy nods. "Fine". He leans closer to kiss her cheek. "Good". Her eyes held his as he fed her spoonfuls of the delicious soup, until it was finished.

Placing the bowl on the coffee table he turns to her. "Feeling much better right?" Izzy shrugs. "I guess". He pecks her cheek, pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her. "Sleep Bella", he says softly.

It was well into the afternoon, when Izzy finally awoke, feeling just a bit better. Julian was beneath her, an arm around her waist, the other behind his head. She felt his heart beat, placing her ear on his chest. The soft thump was comforting. She felt him move, his arms around her waist. "How do you feel now?" Izzy smiles against his chest. "Much better, thanks for coming over Julian". He kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad, Bella".

Sitting up with her in his arms, he kisses her. "Are you well enough to go out?" Izzy groans. "No, but honestly I'd prefer staying inside with you". Julian chuckles. "That sounds ideal". He lifts her up making her squeal with laughter, throwing her over his shoulder.

He took her up to her room, throwing her on the bed. He finds the remote, switching on the TV. Laying her head on his chest, they spent the remainder of the day locked up in her room.

Tuesday she returned to school, getting a ride from Julian, who was more than happy to.

She was getting off his bike, when she found Josh tucked away in the farthest corner of the parking lot, his eyes glued to them. A hand wounds around her waist, and she looks away from him to Julian. "If he tries anything don't be afraid to tell me okay?" His voice was low, a threat hidden behind it. She nods. He interlaces their fingers together, walking to class. 

"For your assignment today class, you're gonna need to get in pairs. Go ahead". They were currently in Sex Ed class, which would've been tolerable if it weren't for the immature males who made snide remarks when the teacher mentioned the menstruation cycle.

Julian pulls his desk closer to her, throwing an arm around her shoulder, giving the guy approaching a clear message, that she was taken. After the entire class had been in pairs, the teacher spoke again. "Okay, good". She walks around the table, opening the draw to pull out a doll that resembled a real life baby. "This is your assignment class. You've picked you're partners, and will be all given one of these dolls. You'll take it with you wherever you go, you'll feed it, clean it, change it, just like a real baby. More than half of your final grade rests on this last assignment for the term, you'll be graded by the conditions you're baby is returned and".

She calls two of the boys to hand them out. Minutes later a light skinned doll was placed before them, a hint of freckles painted across it's frozen face. Julian turns to her. "So this thing actually craps?"

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