And if I die after knowing I've killed them, then that's okay. I was more likely to die than anyone else. I was the leader, and I've killed a lot of important members of the Phantoms, like Lydia's brother.

There were stairs at the very back of the warehouse that led to an upper level. The upper level was basically a really long balcony with multiple doors that I could see from down here.

I need to be careful going up the stairs because being up high makes me an easier target.

Once I was up the stairs, I look down to see the battle below. This attack had broken out into war. So now, it was just about killing them before they killed us.

I creep past the closed doors until I heard voices behind one of them. Deep, rough voices.

There were people hiding out in here.

And if those people happen to be Zayn, Alexander or James...then I'm taking my chance.

I muster up all my strength to try and kick this door down. But when I feel a hard metal touch my back, I freeze and my blood runs cold.

"Put your fucking gun down, Styles." a slightly higher pitched voice says from behind me. I immediately recognize who belongs to it.


He followed me up here and now he had me at gunpoint.

"I said put down the fucking gun!" he shouts and presses the weapon harder against my back, making me drop my gun to the floor.

I grit my teeth and try to find a way out of this. But there was nothing I could do. For once, I didn't have any way out.

"Hands up." he demands.

"What if I don't?" I argue, keeping my jaw clenched.

He lets out a low chuckle. "Oh trust me, you'll want to do exactly what I say."

I don't know what he meant by that, but it admittedly made me a little nervous.

He keeps the gun pointed at me as he walks around my still body and knocks four times on the door that I was about to breakdown.

I quickly glance down at what was happening below me. No one was seeing what was happening with me. I had to find a way out of this on my own.

The door opens, and my blood begins to boil when I see who was behind it.


When he sees me, he smirks and gestures for James to shove me inside.

"Nice to see you, Styles." he taunts.

I stand in the middle of the room as James keeps his gun pointed at me. It looked like an office. There was a desk and also another door that connected into another room or closet.

Alexander circles me, like a predator getting ready to attack its prey.

"You know, when I heard you'd be showing your face here, I couldn't help but take matters into my own hands." he says.

I follow his movements with my eyes, furrowing my brows at his words. "What the fuck does that mean?" I spit in anger.

He stops in front of me and smirks. "Would you like to find out?"

I have no idea what he has planned for me, or what these 'matters' were.

Alexander looks over his shoulder at the door that I didn't know what led to.

"Bring her out." he raises his voice towards the door.


'Her' could only be one person. My heart sinks in fear.

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