Beatle Drugs

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It's time that we get to another level of Beatlese. We shall now discuss drugs, and what they connect to.

If you think someone is acting strange or crazy, all you have to ask is if they are on one of these Beatle drugs, in order from least harmful to most harmful.

Trust me, I ask people if they're on Yellow Submarine nearly every day. Even my math teacher did it to the co-founder of Beatlese without me telling him to do so. 😂

Our main ones are:
Yellow Submarine
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Magical Mystery Tour
I am the Walrus
Glass Onion (Ta, Ringo_McLennison !)
Revolution 9 (Ta, Chatliya !)

These can also combine into worse drugs, but that's only when it's pol severe.

For example, you could combine Yellow Submarine with I am the Walrus, therefore creating Yellow Walrus. This will almost never be used, but if you come across someone who is acting insane, it may be necessary.

These do not mean anything special like the main ones, but they are simply a replacement for when the specified person is too out of control, and is on a higher level.

What do these drugs mean? Well, it's simple.

Yellow Submarine=Weed
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds=LSD (though that does not mean the song is about it)
Magical Mystery Tour=Cocaine
I am the Walrus=Meth
Glass Onion= Heroin
Revolution 9= Crack

Keep in mind that these are mostly used as just silly names for when someone is acting strange and not actually used for the drug, but can also be used when encountering the drug.

Also, us beatlemaniacs are immune to all of these Beatle drugs. When I say that, I mean that we're immune to the crazy nature of the people around us, because these always spread to those who aren't beatlemaniacs. When dealing with actual drug forms of these, we're most certainly not immune. But don't do them, because drugs are bad, m'kay. Ringo should have taught you that in the No-No Song, which by the way, is our anthem for refusing drugs. (Seriously, I think that song should be played in schools to teach kids not to do drugs. Am I the only one who thinks that?)

But of course, we can't forget the drug that all of us are currently on:


I'm on it. You're on it. We're all on it, and there's nothing wrong with that. Usually, you are stable on it. However, sometimes we have those moments where we watch videos or listen to their songs and we get even higher. This can lead to extreme fangirling, songs being stuck in your head, obsessing over how adorable they are, reciting every little thing (reference yay) they say and do, and much, much more. Maybe your family might want you to shut up, but don't let them. Spread the Beatlemania word!!

Also, when someone is high, you refer to it as hi, hi, hi.

Simple little chapter that was the actual start of Beatlese entirely. These words were all I had and then when I was encouraged to make more, the language slowly developed over time.

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