Chapter 45

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I'll come back when I'm ready. When I can fully accept that not everyone would be happy to see me.

She wasn't expecting an attack on the Leaf a year later. That was when she was forced into heading there and fighting to their lives. forced into showing her face once more. Forced into showing the world what she was now capable of doing. That she knew who she was and what she could do.

Forced into probably facing Lee.

She was so afraid to face the man she kept her heart for that she decided on playing sleep for about two weeks.

She heard every conversation. Every 'glad she's back, but...' There was always something to counter their gratefulness in her return.

"I'm glad she's back... but what about their team? Arent there already so much in team 7? They've got Sai and Yamato now... wouldn't it be troublesome to have her back in the squad?"

"We've already placed her in the KIA... what are we gonna do now? Scratch it off?"

"She's back but I don't think I have the courage to face her again."

"I'm not really sure if I'm happy to know she's back... how will I tell her I have TenTen now?"

All those words made her want to cry. It made her want to just run away and never come back.

The only person that knew she wasn't actually in a coma was Haku, the one who volunteered in taking over her case and being her full time doctor/ medical ninja.

"I know you're not really in a coma." Haku said softly. "So stop
Playing... why are you doing this? Aren't you happy to be here? Don't you miss them?"

Chidori sighed and opened her eyes and looked at him. He had grown as well. Cut his hair a bit and had it fully tied into a ponytail, but he still looked the same. As did everyone.

"I... They just don't want me." She slightly sobbed. "There's always a 'but' in their statements..." Haku sat beside her and patted her shoulder. "Its always going to be that way... you'll just have to accept the sad reality that not everyone with be fully happy to see you..."

"I'm not ready."

"For what?"

"To face him... to face Lee."

Haku sighed and pulled her close. "Don't think about him. He thought you were dead after a few months since your disappearance... its natural that he'd move on... so did everyone." He looked down at her and gave a small smile. "Don't you worry about what others think. You have your parents who have been so grateful to have to back. Your brother and Ki you constantly wanted to watch over you as they
Love you.

Chidori, you don't have to care about Lee or any other guy... the right one will come and you will know it. You'll know it from the words he say." He explained.

"Well I thought Lee was the right one."

"You think because he kissed you then said it. You were younger and you were crazy over him..." He smiled brightly at her. "Maybe you shouldn't be blindly loving him. You two are the same... and I think its your time to wake up and see that there is someone out there that's perfect for you...ok?"

Those words brought Chidori to an awakening. It brought her to see the world differently. She had gotten to use to the praise that she was feeding off of it. She needed his little speech. She was right. She doesn't need everyone to love her.


"I love you too, Gaara Sabaku." She sighed and hugged him tightly. Haku war right. All she needed was to open her eyes and she'd find the right one for her.

The one that had always been there for her.

Her Panda.

Its kinda short and I apologize.... but I hope you did enjoy it!

I promise to make longer chapters in the future! See you there!

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