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I shook my head from the laughter. I slowly got in bed with John and cuddled next to him putting my face in his chest and held him close to me.

I felt safe and warm. His breathing and heart beat was normal. It sound soothing.

He slightly woke up and hugged me back and adjusted himself with me in his arms. We both fell back asleep.

In the morning there was a loud bang.
I shot up and ran out to were it came from. John followed me but was a little behind.

"Yoonbum?!" I called our worried. I looked around and found Kiko and Yoonbum arguing outside in the backyard. The bang was the rock that Yoonbum thrown.

"You fucking liar!" Yoonbum raised his voice as Kiko tried to calm him down "Babe please"

"Yoonbum! Put that rock down" I opened the door and raised my voice at him like a parent.

"Shut the fuck up y/n this doesnt concern you!" He glared at me.
I was shocked and a little hurt. "Well it does concern me when you're screaming and throwing shit! Now what the fuck happened?!" I asked again.

Yoonbums face was full of tears of anger. I can see Kiko's face with guilt. I walked to Yoonbum slowly and took out the rock from his hand and hugged him.

His sobs were heartbroken. I held him close and comforted him.

He looked at Kiko as I did. I glared hard. "What did you do?"

"I-I look I didnt meant to it's that I....I cheated on him.." Kiko looked down filled with tears.

I sighed and shook my head. I didnt want to say anything but look at Yoonbum. I whispered "it's your choice"

There was a long pause. John was inside ready to call the cops incase something bad happened.

"I want him gone..." yoonbum finally said. He got out of my grip and went inside up to his bedroom.

I stopped kiko and looked at him pissed "I trusted you....I told you not to break his heart. And yet what did you do?"

"Broke his-" he tried to speak
"Broke his heart....if you could have known the man he use to love unconditionally at one I did..." I shook my head and walked inside.

Yoonbum came down with Kikos clothes and belonging and threw them out on the sidewalk.

"Yoonbum please, dont leave me" kiko cried picking up his stuff.

I stood by the front door with John watching them incase something would have happened.

"I didnt leave left me" Yoonbum said with tears in his eyes and turned walking back inside.

"Yoon!-" Kiko tried again. John stopped him and glared "You're not welcome here" he said sternly.

Kiko grabbed his stuff and cried slightly walking away from the house. I went back inside to check on Yoonbum for moral support.

John stayed watching him leave in f he ever came back.

I heard cries in the bathroom and knocked on the door "Yoonbum?" I asked aloud.

"Yoonbum please let me in" I tried opening the door. I can hear his sobs get quieter and quieter by the minute.

I jiggled the door handle "yoonbum! Open this door!"
It was quiet in there. I quickly pound my body into the door screaming his name in worry
"Please Yoonbum! Open the door!"

I kept slamming until John came up and slammed into it breaking the door down.
I ran inside and open the shower curtain and hugged Yoonbum tightly.

"Hey, dont worry about him. He wasnt worth it. Its gonna be okay Yoonbum" I say quickly and held him close.

John was pissed. "I had enough of this...I'm going to beat that fucker up" he turned and left.

I looked back "John no dont-" he was already gone.

I looked back at Yoonbum broken again. I sat in the tub with him and held his hands. It was quiet.

"Why doesnt anyone love me?" Yoonbum said quietly about to cry some more.

I shook my head "I love you Yoonbum. You know that."

He shook his head "But not in that way...I just want to feel loved...for once in my damn life after the shit we've been through" his voice was slowly breaking.

I held his hands tighter and looked down and my legs. And little memories built up in my head. I shook my head trying to forget them.

I could feel my hands shaking and Yoonbums shaking at the same time. Were we having a flashback together? I could hear him sob. I feel tears run down my face quickly as I held Yoonbun close.

It was confusing. I could hear our loud sobs and cries.

"Get out of my head!" We both screamed. I open my eyes and gasp for air. I look at Yoonbum as he does the same.

We let go and wiped our eyes and sniffed.
I started coughing a little and got up out of the tub. I helped Yoonbum up and hugged him.

"Theres more out there Yoonbum I promise" I say in his ear. He nods and hugs me back tightly.

After a minute our fire alarm went off. I jumped and looked around in the hall way and saw dark black smoke rise. I look at yoonbum with wide eyes "theres a fire come on!"

"What?!" He asked as we both ran down the hall and downstairs.

I inhaled the smoke and started coughing roughly "did you leave something on?!" I asked slightly wheezing.

"No why?! I didnt cook yet!" He said. I couldn't see it was completely filled with black smoke and a big fire near the stove

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Yoonbum screamed. I couldn't see him. I kept coughing as I went down the stairs.

I tripped and slammed my body onto the floor. I called out for Yoonbum but he was already outside. I couldn't see and the smoke was getting heavy.

I coughed and wheezed trying to get outside. But soon I passed out.


There were flowers everywhere. It was very pretty. The air was fresh and the sun was perfect. Not too warm. Not too cold. Just right.

I ran around in the flowers and felt happy and free.

"Y/n!" I heard in the distance.

I see John. I smiled and ran toward him while he opened his arms. Quickly I embraced him.

"Oh y/n I've missed you so much. I love you. Never leave me" he said in my ear.

I giggled and raised an eyebrow "what do you mean? I'm never leaving you. You're my husband" I smile and looked up at him.

My stomach ached and turned. My heart completely dropped. Everything felt like it sank and broke. My breathing was starting to shorten as my hands start to shake.
Horror filled my eyes with tears.

I glanced around the flowers were dead and wind started to pick up with rain.

I looked back at him and shook my head
" GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed and tried to get out of his arms.

The grip was like a snake squeezing me tightly to suffocate its prey. I tried moving but nothing worked.

I look at him dead in the eyes and I gave up. My head rested on his shoulder.

"Shhh, were going home soon my love" he said rubbing my back.
I nod and cried softly.

"Sangwoo...." I whispered.
"Hm?" He asked.

"I'm sorry"

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