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Now I'm thinking. It feels weird. It feels like I'm floating in water, and its black water but I can see. Am I dead? Cause if I am its really boring.

My eyes are tearing up, I'm realizing that I died without love....or did I? I mean I had John....I miss him. Can I wake up?

I see a light. I tried swimming up towards it, but I went further down. Oh god, this can't be happening. I look up once more.

"Please....John...Yoonbum" Now I'm in a panic. I need to be there for Yoonbum. I swish my arms up towards the light.

"PLEASE HE NEEDS ME!" I scream underwater. I'm choking on the water, next thing I knew I feel a jolt upwards.

It hurts. My stomach hurts. I open my eyes. It's really bright. I inhaled slowly. Im..alive? I exhaled in relief. I turn my head to Yoonbum outside the room yelling at John. I can kind of hear him but it cuts out.

Yoonbum pov

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" I yell at him. I can't lose Y/N she's the one who helped me through everything. I tried not hitting him. Or trying causing a scene, but I already had.

"WHY?! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER?!" I yelled once more.

"I tried but that man already had her! She told me to run, but of course I didn't!" He raised his voice at me.

I couldn't believe this. So many emotions. It's to the point that I want to hit him and cry and die. But I cant.

Your pov
He's yelling at John. I quietly took off the oxygen mask. I slowly sat up, a ache stung my stomach. I lifted my shirt, there was patching on it.

I finally remembered what happened with Sangwoo and John. I looked at John who's trying not to raise his voice at Bum.

"Y-Yoombum.." I said, my voice was a little raspy. I locked eyes with him. Tears filled my and his just kept pouring.

He ran to me sobbing and holding me in his arms. I cried on his shoulders.

John came walking in on the other side. I held Bum in one arm and John in the other. We sat there crying. Bum was a mess, John just cried quietly.

I'm so relieved that I'm alive. I hugged Bum once more. "I'm Okay" I said.
"What the hell did that fucking psychotic man do to you?". I hesitated to tell him.

"Bum he's gone now. I really can't remember what happened but-" John cut me off by saying "Don't worry I beat the shit out of him". I laughed a bit. Bum just smiled.

"Okay, now that makes me hate you less" Bum said smiling a bit. My body was warm when I looked at his smile.

"You hungry?" Bum said. "I can go get you Mc donalds".

"Sure, you better buy some for him too, and you, you skinny thing" I teased and laughed.

He just smiled once more until he walked out. I smiled, John hugged me on the side "I'm sorry I didn't save you in time, I actually thought I-" I cut him off by kissing him.
"You didn't lose me". I said flustered a bit. "It's not your fault. And thank you for getting help."

He smiled and kissed me once more. He frowned "But that was some scary shit too. You lying on the floor bleeding and me handling the man..suangwaa? Or Sungroo? I don't fucking know but he nearly got me but I knocked him out with your vase."

I chuckled "Let's just call him Dickhead".

(2 days later bc I'm lazy)

I got back home, it seemed normal. Bum just went to the kitchen and poured us some juice.

"My god Y/N, how? How did he even?" Bum asked.

"I don't know how he got in...but he's back in jail right?" Bum nodded his head. "Not jail, prison" He said taking another drink.

"For how long?" I asked tapping the glass cup.

"Well since I was at the trial, I think he's there for 12 years?" I was shocked.
"JUST 12 YEARS?!" I yelled slamming the glass, it broke and the juice spilled everywhere.

I stopped and my hand was bleeding. Bum quickly got up and cleaned the mess. "Only....12...fucking years?" I was full of anger. "Y/N this place isn't that fair to be honest. And the Judge was litterally a fucking teenager"

Wow a teen? I shook my head. I wrapped my hand in some cloth and just hugged Bum once more.

"I can't believe this....this world is messed up" I said choking tears.

"I know, its been rough on both of us y/n"

I closed my eyes, letting the tears fall. "Bum?....How can you kill someone, with out killing them?".

He was hesitant. I could tell. His body tensed and he hitched his breath. "I.." was all he could say. I just let go from the hug and went upstairs.

I locked my door. My room, the scent was different. I opened my windows again. The city lights in the distance was claming. I just am so emotional.

"Why? Why me? What did do to deserve all of this fucking mess?" I sat in silence.

I closed my eyes once more. Flashes on memories with Sangwoo filled my head. I held my head backing away from the window.

"N-no stop it" I closed my window and flashed of blood from the women and men filled my head.

" I SAID STOP!! FUCKING STOP!!" I screamed. My door, Bum was trying to get in. Fuck I must've scared him.

I unlocked it and Bum burst in "What happened?! What's going on?!" I just stood their looking dead.

Bum embraced me, "You scared me...Im sleeping in your room tonight".  I just stood there.

"C'mon get in your pajamas" he went to his room to put on shorts and a giant shirt.

I took off my bra and but on a giant shirt. I didn't care if Bum saw me butt naked. We already seen ourselves naked.

I got in bed and Bum held me while sleeping. I just felt empty. I curled up next to Bum.

Please let me live happy once again.


Hey! Sorry for my hiatus once more. I was on a emotional rollercoaster and was lazy to write or type another chapter lol.

Just know I might take another hiatus idk tbh. But thank you for reading this! <3333


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