I trusted you.

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After months of planning of the wedding I was finally happy. I see myself marrying the man I love. All of the bride's maids and the men walked down the aisle and finally, it was my turn.

Sadly my father nor my mother made it. So I walked with Yoonbum. I tried so hard not to cry, we where both tearing up.

"I'm glad we got out of this whole situation. You know with him." I whispered to Yoonbum. He nodded but his hands were shaking.

After the ceremony and our vows.

"John Stalims do you take Y/n L/n as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." He smiled.

I grinned while holding his hands. I looked down seeing the rings, they were so beautiful.

"Y/n do you take John Stalims as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Now before I announce them to kiss, is there any objections?"

No one in the crowd said anything. Tears rolled down my face and I smiled.

"In the power invested of me, you may now kiss the-"

The doors swung open and made a bang.
Everyone jumped. Yoonbum wasn't in his seat.

"No.." I said while I'm seeing Yoonbum standing there with Sangwoo.

"What the hell?!" I yelled.

"Come home Y/N! With Yoonbum!...with me!"

Whispers started going around the room. John grabbed my wrist. "Did you plan this?" He questioned me. I slapped him.

"Why the fuck would I plan something like this with that man?! YOU KNOW HOW MENTALLY HURT I AM WITH THIS MAN!" I yelled. At this point I'm not talking, im now basically yelling sentences in anger and fear.

I ran to my room and changed my clothes into a regular clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror. "FUCK!!" I screamed while messing up my make up and hair until I looked like a freak. I laugh at myself.

Someone came in. "Y/n?" It was Yoonbum. I had some scissors. I ran to go hide. I smirked. I wasn't me anymore. The thought of all the shit that happened with one man in one night.

"Y/n? We need to talk-" I slam Yoonbum up onto the wall and held up the sissors up to his neck.

"You fucking cunt. I actually trusted you.." I gripped his neck a little harder.

"Look y/n I-"

"NO! You just wanted that man again. You fell for him again. And telling me that were gonna make it but NO YOONBUM...YOU WANTED TO BE A FUCKING TRAITOR AND FALL FOR HIM AGAIN...How fucking foolish and pathetic you are. Maybe you should actually fucking die. Kill yourself Yoonbum, because you had sex with your uncle. How disgusting a perverted that is. INCEST! And stalking a man. DISGUSTING!!"

I yelled in his face, I pulled up the scissors up. Yoonbum flinched. "Y/n!! PLEASE-"

I let go of him and stabbed my stomach. In and out on my chest and stomach. Blood was coming from my mouth.

"Y/N!!!!!!" Yoonbum screamed.

"No please don't do this! Wake up Y/n!" His voice. Disgusting....i hate him...

Everything went black.

"Wake up Y/n!"

"Wake up y/n!"


"C'mon y/n Wake up! We're gonna be late for the carnival!"


I wake up to Yoonbum all ready with Kiko and John was ready too.

"Wait were going to the carnival? And you didn't wake me up until then?" I asked annoyed.

"Welll, it was my idea and I thought of it at the last minute." Yoonbum nervously laughed.

I scoffed a laugh. "Well get out and let me get dressed." I say shooing them off.

"Huh...it was a dream."
I scratched my head.

"Thank God" I sighed in relief.

"I hate rides...eh"

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