158Past Repair

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Past Repair

I know I'm way, way  past repair
And I'm all out of ways   to  fix me
I know I'm consumed by  my despair
But it all left me hollow and empty

I know deep down this pain of mine
There's is no way to heal it,  it's unfixable
I know there is  no cure for me to find
The damage that's been done, its

What am I supposed to do if I'm permanently impaired
If I  Can't be cured, if I can't be fixed
How do I live now that I'm past repair
How do I find a way to live with this

I can accept that my damage can't be undone
I can accept that my pain won't ever heal
But I don't know how to keep going on
Burfemd by all of the things I feel

I guess I'll figure it out somehow, how to live past repair
I won't let this bring me down, I won't drown in my despair

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