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I have always believed that I didn't belong
I have always believed that everything I did was wrong
I never saw any good inside of myself
I always felt trapped inside of my own personal hell

I never could see what everyone else could see
They see a beautiful girl, What I see is an ugly thing
They see a girl who is sweet , I see a girl who is mean

I never was able to believe in what they would say
I could never understand why they didn't see it my way
I don't do this to seek attention or fish for nice words
I was always just being honest about the things I wanted to purge

I never thought I would good enough for anyone, I wasn't even good enough for myself
Now I am starting to realize that I need to fix this, I need to learn to love myself
I need to realize that there is nobody I need to please
I need to realize the only person I have to be good enough for is me

Violets and Ashes: Poetry Book 2Where stories live. Discover now