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I have a lot of scars
All over me
I have been marked
By the pain in me

The self inflicted pain
Is plain to see
It's written all over
All over my body

My arms are heavily scarred
You can see what I have done
The damage I inflicted
To myself can't be undone

Oh how much pain I was in
To do that to myself
To cut open my own skin
To mutilate my own self

It was hell to hurt that bad
To then cut open my self
To transfer the pain
To something else

The scars have me marked
I am labeled as a cutter or a freak
Some don't take me seriously
Some think I'm  a coward and weak

Don't be not ashamed of your scars
They made you who you are

Violets and Ashes: Poetry Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz