"I'm going to marry the man that I love and you're gonna be right by my side. In two weeks, you will be doing the same and I will be right there with you. We've always been there for each other. All four of us. After our weddings, I'm sure there will be a third. Michael will need us," he began. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she nodded in agreement. Three out of four of them have found love, Michael was struggling to keep a hold on his. Everyone witnessed how devoted he was to Chase and his grandmother, Miss Eve. The question is, will Chantal be by his side for the second wedding in the group. They were told to expect her by their friend but they heard the uncertainty in his voice. 
"Let's forget all those complications for now and focus on today. We need today," he continued.

Stephen was right. Ever since Monroe attacked them both at the jewelry store, everything snowballed from there. Everyone has been tense and on alert, tired from the constant fighting and worrying plus the near-death scares that happened to them. They all needed this day to relax. 

The two went to the balcony to look over the gardens where the wedding and reception will take place. A simple family wedding both Stephen and Gianni agreed on. The decor wasn't overly done nor flamboyant. The large garden was designed with different styles as each lady of the house in the past and present added their own favorite flowers and wants. One fixture stayed untouched. Arianna learned the first lady of the house had a stone platform built at the center of the garden. Her initials along with her husbands were etched into the platform where the two spent their mornings together having breakfast either by themselves or with their kids. The garden table was removed and added to the platform was a trellis designed with flowers from the garden itself. Placed at vantage points in the expansive garden were tables of two or four for the reception, sat around the platform were precisely thirty chairs. Four aisles led to the platform, created by velvet train carpets. Just like the ceremony chairs, the tables were donned in colors of black, and white, each centerpiece held an arrangement of Gianni's mother's favorite flowers. The entire scene was both modern and vibrant, it portrayed the couple's simplicity and humbleness perfectly. The sun was shining, butterflies flitting from flower to flower, everything was perfect. Guests were beginning to arrive, heads of crime families the French Mafia were connected to and a few family members from the Caine family. The kids were playing near the koi pond in which Chase was a part of. He adjusted well to the Delacourde cousins and made quick friends of the boys. A live band was warming up under their assigned tent, rehearsing songs the couple chose. Blake was doing his last-minute checks of the tables and ensuring the guests were comfortable and kept entertained.

"It's time."

Stephen took a deep breath after Ari uttered those two words. It was time to bind the love Gianni and himself had for each other before their friends and family. He dreamed of this day for years, he nearly lost the chance to live a life with Gianni but was spared the last minute. This was their day and no one, not even his mother's absence will ruin it. 

The morning sun was high in the sky, not a cloud dotting the blue skies. In their respective parts of the castle paced two men anxious to say their vows and two best friends giddy to see them married. Guests outside in the gardens can feel the anticipation in the air, the band played a cheerful love song which blended beautifully with the low conversations among the guests. The guards who loyally served the Delacourde seal opted to dress casually for their young boss, even putting their favorite rifles away for the day, covertly hiding their handguns and knives under their tan slacks and waistcoats. The immediate families sat at the front, not caring about traditional family sides. Away from the guests stood five men, who were larger than life itself due to their backgrounds, light teasing and comments were shared among them, along with their host giving them a bit of info on the new faces they've met. One particular man was uneasy in the group. His dark eyes were searching the small crowd and the outskirts of the garden for that one face. That angelic face has haunted his dreams for weeks, her name matched her demeanor, her bright smile affected him like no other.

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