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"ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?" Dessy asks with a worried look on her pretty face.

"No." I reply sincerely, not totally sure of my decision. I hate times like this; being uncertain and mistrustful in myself when I am obviously supposed to be confident with a clear head.

Why is it different now?

"Let's go over the deal together this time." Dessy suggests and I nod in agreement as I pull up my laptop. The computer is heavier than most types because of its old model, but it works and that's all that matters and even more importantly, it is all that I want to matter. No one else's opinion can change that.

"Please pass me the modem." My finger points at the device sitting contentedly on the table beside her. "Thank you." My voice is tinier than normal as I plug the gadget in. I don't like it.

"I thought you were going to use your phone though. Why the modem?"

"I have unlimited browsing access for the next two months on this sim." I explain briefly. "I might just as well use it."

"True, true." She agrees then gets off the floor to come sit by me on the only foam we have in the room.

"Has Agnes come for her money again?" My tongue touches the roof of my mouth and I feel a sore. When did I eat something hot? I think silently while waiting for Dessy's reply.

"She has come twice in the past two days."

"Na wa o." I roll my eyes in a display of unrighteous anger. It is clear that I have no right to be irritated, but I can't help but be so. Agnes and I have never gotten along rightly. She is always quick to find a reason to try to strangle me or better yet, throw me in jail so I'm far away from her. Sometimes, I do wonder why she still lets me rent one of her rooms with Dessy.

"That woman is just a pure she-goat." My roommate also turns her eyes hard. I know she feels vexed, almost as much as I do yet not to the extent of my bitter emotion. Dessy never gets as angry as I, and it's maybe because she does not allow herself. Most times, she acts on the sentiment she is feeling before letting them soar too high.

I don't.

I think a lot before I do anything. Sometimes I think way too much, and that is exactly why I am wary of my new sugar-deal.

"Have you logged in?" Dessy pokes her head in between my levelled chest and the fat screen, while I place my hand on her forehead and push it out of the way.

"I'm about to." I reply. The internet is slow and it is starting to grate on my nerves. "Just hurry up." I glare at the light flashing on and off on the plastic connector.

"It's on."

"Finally." I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Here we go." I mutter to myself as I type my login credentials into Sugar-villa. The app takes a few moments to load before it directs me to my page.

"You changed your username?" Dessy confirms her nosey behaviour as she nudges me with her elbow. Twice.

"It's like you want to die." I hiss and glare at her absolutely annoying self. My new username is 'Adasugarbabes'. Yeah, it is a bit cringey.

"Mwah!" She blows a kiss at me which I make a show of catching and throwing it outside through the only window that sits open, welcoming fresh air and soft rays of the slowly setting sun. 

"Okay..." I lose my train of thoughts as I notice an alert notifying me of an even bigger offer on my screen. "What is going on with this man? Look." I frown at the computer on my laps and invite Dessy to see the mystery I have found myself in.

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