Chapter 11

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Water splashed up onto the boat with a heavy wave drenching all the guests. Uma laughed maniacally when we looked back up at the ship full of terrified teens. She officially had the upper hand and with the small bits of (y/n)'s power she possessed combined with her own it would be nearly impossible to stop her.

"True love won't beat this!" she taunted "The world will know my name!"

The sea witch then launched a tentacle at the ship causing all the kids to jump back. All except mal. Mal stood away from the group hyperventilating. Her eye began to glow green as purple smoke surrounded her. Ben called her name, but she couldn't hear him. When the smoke cleared Mal had become a giant purple dragon. She turned and looked at everyone before flying off the deck and over the water. The dragon breathed fire across the water causing a cloud of steam to rise

"Come on Mal!" Uma yelled "Lets finish this once and for all."

With that the battle continued fire and water sprayed and the boat rocked violently. One of the beams of fire that mal shot down nearly burned Uma, but she managed to duck under the surface of the water before any real damage could be done. (y/n) ran to the edge and grabbed a hold of the rail in order to steady herself. With all her strength she focused on her magic trying to take semi control over the parts of her that Uma has stolen.

Unfortunately, all she could manage to go it minorly decrease Uma's since. It was almost unnoticeable but the pair who were fighting saw clearly what happened. It distracted Uma and caused her to redirect one of her attacks form mal to (y/n). when the tentacle smacked across the girl's chest, she few back on the deck. Lucky for her Carlos managed to catch her before she hit hard wood. When ben saw this friend get thrown back something snapped in him. He started to twitch violently and roared. The then removed his crown and jacket before jumping into the water himself.

"Mal Uma, stop! Stop now!" ben yelled once he was in the water causing Uma to laugh at him

"What are you going to do ben?" she asked then flung some water with her fingertips "Splash me?"

"This has got to stop this isn't the answer! the fighting has to stop nobody wins the way! we have to listen and respect each other it won't be easy!" Ben explained to the girls while extending hi hand out to Uma "but let's be brave enough to try Uma I know you want what's best for the isle come with me and be the difference."

Uma looked with sad eyes at Ben then moved her gaze to the deck and looked at (y/n) who was being supported by her friends still after her hard hit. The pirate then lifted ben's ring to her necklace causing some of the gold to move into the ring. She slowly began to shrink as she gave the ring back to ben then swam away with tears in her eyes. (y/n) wanted to cry herself. She knew Uma did love ben and this Isle, but she did what she thought was best, which was to leave.

Ben managed to swim back to the boat and climb a latter to the deck. He was met by his friends and parents who helped him get sorted out and returned his crown. Ben quickly checked on (y/n) who was back on her feet. The girl smiled at him. Their attention was taken by the dragon landing on the deck. Purple smoke circled Mal once again. This time when it cleared Mal's purple hair was now curled and the blue and yellow dress that she was wearing before was replaced with anew one. This dress resembled the one in the stain glass window. It was purple and black and suited her perfectly.

Mal curtsied to ben who bowed in return. Evie then ran to escort Mal down the stairs to the lager group. (y/n) watched happily as mal and ben got reunited and shared another true love kiss. As they kissed Carlos went up behind the princess and placed her hand on her shoulder. The girl turned and gave him a smile. He smiled and gave her a quick hug.

"I've missed you." He whispered

(y/n) turned and went to reply but nothing came out. She still didn't have her voice. HE eyes widened as she looked at Carlos in a panic. The boy didn't understand but her face was enough to make him get the others attention. Mal and Ben came running.

"what's going on?" they asked nearly in unison

"(y/n) she turned to talk to me but then nothing came out." Carlos explained and mal's face turned to a glare.

"Uma." She hissed which caused (y/n) to shake her hands to show she disagreed with the negativity.

The princess' eye then looked at mal's hand. Ben's ring was shining gold just like uma's necklace when she took her voice. Uma must have put he voice into the ring that way she's be able to get it back. One she connected all the dots (y/n) took mal's hand and taped the ring. That when Evie released what was going on.

"Uma did steal her voice, but she must have put it into ben's ring." The blue haired girl explained "But how to we get it back to you."

"Same way Ariel did." Jay said catching everyone off guard "What I read. In that story Ariel had three days to convince her prince to fall in love and kiss her, but it couldn't be forced."

Carlso stepped forward "I'll do it." He said a bit too excitedly.

"Well you'd probably would have to." Evie laughed "But you can't just kiss her it has to be in the moment and perfect."

Everyone looked at Evie which basically said, 'we don't have time for that' and she just sighed claiming she didn't make the rules. Everyone looked at each other knowing she was right. At that point they knew they'd have to make some romantic moment. Unfortunately, at an event like a cotillion you can't exactly have a personal dance without being in a position of power. Ben decided he had the solution. He offered his arm to (y/n) who took it then led her up the stairs in front of the glass window.

"I have an announcement to make!" Ben said loudly "Everyone please welcome home after six long months (y/n) Fitzherbert daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene, the princess of Auradon!" everyone clapped and cheered but ben quieted them with his hand.

He then gestured to Carlos who ran up the stairs and stood next to them. "And since she is over age, as princess it is time for (y/n) to choose her gentleman of the court." Carlos held (y/n)'s hand as shocked smiles rose onto both of their faces "So, Princess (Y/n) would you like to choose Carlos De Vil to be your gentleman of the court?"

The girl nodded to the king who then bowed to the pair. The couple followed back then turned to the crowd who was making an open place for them just as they had for ben and Uma earlier. Evie smiled and grabbed Mal. The girls ran to the band grabbed a mic. Together the girls sang 'Kiss the girl' together. Carlos and (y/n) smiled then made their way down the steps to the dance floor. After a quick twirl the two began to dance together.

The couple got lost in the moment all they could think about was each other. How much they miss each other how much they had to talk about. Ost of all they thought about how beautiful they thought the other was. How lucky they felt to have each other. How much love they felt for each other. As their dance neared its end the two began to lean in. It was almost as if some form of magic was pulling them together. Eventually their lips met in a gentle love filled kiss. As they kissed gold magic flew from Mal's ring across the room until it circled (y/n). As the magic got closer to her mouth a gentle singing became louder and louder until it was (y/n) herself singing.

One the magic faded she smiled and laughed. She then jumped onto Carlos for another hug. Then she pulled back and without thinking pushed her lips onto his again. When they pulled apart, they put their foreheads together.

With a smile (y/n) said "I've missed you too."

Isle's Princess (Sequel to Corruption of a Princess, Carlos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now