Chapter 9

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(y/n) watched silently as Ben and Uma enthused about their newfound 'love'. Her mind raced as she tried to think of some way to reverse the spell that they just casted. The princes cursed herself for what seems to be a consistent flaw of not fully thinking through plans before actually carrying them out. If she had thought this through more, she would have casted a fake spell with Uma or something that would only last a few minutes or maybe an hour. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, this spell will last as long as Uma wants it to. If the magic beings to fade, she just needs to lock eyes with him, and it'll be fine. For her at least. Lost in though the girl didn't notice Ben trying to get her attention until he embraced her tightly.

"I'm so happy you came home, tomorrow you will be officially announced as a princess of Auradon and your duties will begin, isn't that exciting!" Ben cheered in a childlike way.

(y/n) forced a smile then nodded to him. Her smile turned to a glare when she looked over the king's shoulder to Uma who was smirking at her. Just then Ben pulled back from the hug and held a piece of (y/n) baggy shirt and frowned.

"You two will need gowns for tonight."

"Excellent idea Ben!" Uma announced "You can magic some up for us, right? With one of your silent spells?"

(e/c) eyes shot between Uma and ben. Uma's fake smile and Ben's excitement left her in a rut. Sighing (y/n) imagined two dresses in her head. One was light blue with golden accents. It was tight till the hips where it tapered out in messy ways of crinoline. It had a sweetheart neckline with a mesh covering that went over the shoulder accented by blue and gold detached straps that had golden tassels. As she thought of it, the dress slowly appeared on her captain alone with a pair of black fingerless gloves that went up her forearms.

The other dress was for herself. She thought up a simple knee length dress with a slight flowiness in the bottom that had a sweetheart neckline. Then (y/n) imagined a sheer overlay. The sheer fabric created a single strap that went over her left shoulder then flowed out to make the dress floor length. The right side of the top layer of the dress had a large slit that ended at the waist. At the top of the slit there was a ribbon who's knot hit the ever tip of the slit. The ribbon wrapped around the waist and the ends hung loose by her side. When she thought of color originally it was going to be red, but then she made an important choice. She wanted to wear her mother's color again. That's when she decided the dress would be entirely light purple. Slowly that dress appeared on her body. The only thing remaining from her original outfit was he hook necklace that harry had given her.

The princess then added shoes Uma's outfit and a pair of silver heels for her own. Finally, she used her magic to braid her hair the same way her grandmother would, and to put Uma's braids into a high bun. Uma seemed pleased and thanked the girl for the dress. Ben nodded at both the girls, Uma's sarcastic undertone apparently flying over his head. Ben then offered his right arm to Uma and his left to (y/n). He took both of the girl up the stairs to the main level of the ship. A few moments later he brought them both into a beautiful dining room. The room was mostly white with accents of gold and blue decorating the room.

"This should do." Ben said as he moved to grab both the girls by the hand and smiled at them "I'm not going to have time to tell everyone not to announce Mal so..."

(y/n) studied the king as he talked. The second he said Mal's name he seemed to snap out of the spell slightly only to be trapped again by the magic when h looked over to Uma. That's when it hit her. (y/n) knew how to break the spell. Mal. She could fix this, she could reverse the princess' mistake. It would have to be something big, something that would take just enough time that Uma wouldn't be able to steal away Ben's attention again. It had to be true love's kiss. A real smile appeared on her face and Ben took notice, but he interpreted it differently. He assumed the smile was due to what he had just said.

"Perfect so you'll do it?" Ben asked the princess who looked at him in shock "That's why your smiling right?"

That's when Ben noticed he hadn't heard the girls voice since he first came to the storage room. He went to ask what was wrong, but Uma jumped in.

"She swallowed too much saltwater and her throat is hurting." She lied "But she clearly wasn't listening to you."

Ben nodded then looked right at (y/n) "well I said after mal, I'll enter, then I would like you to escort Uma in."

"She'll love to!" Uma said to Ben in reply and once again he nodded with a smile

"Ok, and there will be punch at the party, it should help your throat." And with that the king left.

As soon as the door shut behind him the girls turned to each other. (y/n) was surprised to see Uma's expression. She seemed to be filled with some kind of childlike happiness. The princess only expected to see anger but there was none to be seen. The pirate captain nearly squealed as she jumped and hugged the other girl. The embrace was short lived, but the meaning was not missing. All (y/n) was able to do was give her a confused look.

"Isn't this amazing?" The pirate asked but the other girl shook her head 'no'.

Still acting out of character Uma signed loudly in a complaining way "(Y/n) I know it's not exactly ideal but think of what we could do if I was a lady of the court? I mean your already a princess so with the two of us together we should be able to get all of the kids on the isle here to Auradon. Just look around you and I both know that this would be a better life for all of them."

The princess knew she was right. Love spells though? That's not the right way to do this. Ben already invited her to the mainland, but she turned down his invitation. If she would have just excepted it in the first place, then she would already be in a position to better help those kids. (y/n) couldn't bring herself to agree with this plan.

"It doesn't matter if you agree with me or not princess." Uma told (y/n), her usual attitude creeping back in "We are already this far, and you can't even talk, even if you wanted to you can't tell anyone what I'm doing. It's time to go."

Sighing (y/n) extended her arm out to Uma and they hooked elbows. They made it into the hall just in time to hear Ben be announced. He turned to them with a quick smile right before walking out of their view and down the stairs. After some silence (y/n) started walking leading Uma to the stair well. Once in the light they looked out at everyone's shocked faces. As she looked across the crowd the princess' heart ached. It wasn't until (e/c) eyes met with brown that it shattered. Carlos looked so betrayed. She needed to break Uma's spell and fast.  

Isle's Princess (Sequel to Corruption of a Princess, Carlos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now