Chapter 10

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As the girls descended the stairs (y/n)'s eyes were locked on Carlos. If anyone would hear her out it would be him. She knew that if she could somehow tell him what was going on, he could tell Mal and they could fix it. Once their shoes settled on the deck of the ship the princess passed Uma off to ben then bowed and walked back slowly. Once Ben's attention was fully on Uma, she turned direction and began to nearly run to Carlos. When the boy saw her coming her turned to her with a hurt expression.

"What's going on?" he whispered o her "Why are you two here what did you do."

His words slightly stung. He automatically assumed this was her doings. While he wasn't completely wrong part of her hoped that he would have some confidence in her. When (y/n) opened her mouth to explain nothing came out. That's when she remembered her lack of voice.

"Why aren't you answering my questions?" Carlos asked getting irritated by her silence.

That's when the miming started. (y/n) signed then touched her throat and moving her arm into the air. She then mimed being pulled under water and being shocked then being dragged up. Next, she waved her arms in circles in front of her followed by her acting like she was singing. Next the girl pointed over to ben who was still talking to mal and ran in place. She then made kissy faces and a heart with her hands. (y/n) then lifted up her dress and hair running her fingertips over it gently then threw her arms up and huffed. That's when she looked at Carlos expecting him to have fully understood everything, she just told him.

He blinked at her for a minute before asking "What was that?"

The girl irritated sighed as she tried to come up with a new way to get through to him. To her those random arm movements told the whole story. She started with Uma talking her voice, she then told him how she was faced into the water and had to swim to Auradon from the Isle. (y/n) even threw in that Uma was an octopus at one point. Moving on with her story she told him how they climbed onto the ship and sang a spell that made ben run to them and be all in love with Uma. The next and final part of the story was having to use her magic to make their dresses. That's when it hit her. She could use her magic to tell him.

Unfortunately for her once she came up with this idea Carlos rolled his eyes and began to walk out with his friends. The princess sprinted after him and grabbed his sleeve causing him to turn and look at her from the steps. She closed her eyes and released a quick burst of magic that caused her hair to light up. Her (e/c) eyes darted up to look at him hopefully but he just seemed confused. She did it again but before Carlos could say anything Jane made an announcement.

"Quick she has to see it!" Jane yelled

Lumiere nodded then straightened his back "Now for the presentation of king bens masterpiece created especially for his lady."

With that the large curtain dropped revealing a beautiful stain glass window of ben and mal. Everyone was in shock at the beauty of the gift then applauded. Ben himself seemed drawn to the window as if some form of spell was cast on it.

"Ben did that?" Mal asked Evie

"yeah he did." The girl replied

"Evie." Mal said as she started to walk back down the stairs "Bens known who I am all along."

"He loves the real you."

"a true love."

"Told you." Carlos popped in his eyes glancing quickly back over to the long-haired girl.

The girl he glanced at didn't look back though she was too focused and seemed almost scared. That's when Uma erupted.

"COVER THAT BACK UP!" She yelled earning a gasp from everyone. Calming her nerves, she said "Why don't you tell them the gift you have for me Ben."

It took him a second to process but then she replied "I have an announcement! Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." He dad when to object but a sudden anger flew over ben "NOT NOW DAD!"

This reaction shocked everyone. It also caused (y/n) to get back into action. She decided he need to get to mal and made her way in front of her just in time from Ben's second announcement.

"And as my gift to her I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all." This caused mass panic.

(y/n) began to pull on Mal's arm. The purple haired girl looked at her with a confused face. That's when the princess started with her short bursts of magic t light up her hair.

"Ben's been spelled." Mal whispered and (y/n) nodded at her.

Uma overheard and glared at the princess before turning bens attention to herself. She made him focus on her eyes making a spell slightly stronger as she did so. In a panic (y/n) shoved mal down the stairs towards Ben hoping hat she'd get the idea or at least cause ben to turn his head.

"Ben." She started "Ben look at me."

"no look at me." Uma argued. "You love me remember."

"no, you don't"

"yes, you do."

"Ben look at me."

Getting increasingly annoyed Uma turned to fairy god mother "Bring down the barrier now!"

"I do not take orders from you." The woman barked back caused Uma to turn back to ben.

"ben." She nearly growled.

"Ben I never told you I loved you because I thought I wasn't good enough." Mal explained "and I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself but Ben, that's me. I'm part Isle and part Auradon."

"Ben eyes over here."

"and ben you've always knew who we were and who we can be."

"Don't' listen to her."

"Ben, I know what love feels like now. Of course I love you. Ben I've always loved you." And with that Mal kissed ben.

(y/n) smiled and looked back a Carlos who smiled back and placed his hands on her shoulders. Evie smiled and moved her hands to her chin.

"true loves kiss, works every time." She smiled.

Happiness wasn't all around though. Uma was furious and turned quickly to look at (y/n) then moved her gaze to fairy godmother. Quickly the princess ran in front of the fair and extended her hand causing a small golden barrier to appear separating Uma from the wand. When her reach was blocked, the pirate captain ran. When she was backed against the edge of the ship Mal began to try and reason with her.

"NO Stop!" Mal yelled "Uma I know you; you are so much more than a villain. And you have to believe me because I've ben there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

With that the necklace around Uma's neck began to glow and she looked over at the princess. (y/n)'s hair had begun to glow with the necklace which caused the pirate to smirk.

"You voice is calling princess." Uma said before turning and jumping into the waters around the boat causing a massive splash.

The water pulled in around the girl and became rough. The sky darkened as Uma resurfaced as your sea person self. Her large body and tentacles shocked all the guests. The whole time she transformed (Y/n)'s hair was still glowing. The princess quickly realized that Uma was bigger than she was the first time the girl has seen her in this form. That's when I hit her. Uma was using her magic form her voice to amplify her own powers. That's why she so big this time. They were in big trouble. 

Isle's Princess (Sequel to Corruption of a Princess, Carlos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now