Gone away

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Whaaaat another update on non update day? I am spoiling you guys this week aren't I?

Y/N's POV:

I set Valk down and continue to smile when I see the strangest thing. Up on the Wookiee fort Master Yoda cut off the heads of Gree and some other trooper. What would make him do that. It's then my comms go off.

Glade: Attention all Red Legion troopers. Order 66 is a go. I repeat the Jedi are traitors.

My blood runs cold as my head begins to pound viscously. My hands begin to shake as my senses are diled up.

Y/N: Valk listen to me.

I put my hands on her shoulders.

Y/N: You need to run, now.

I'm disobeying an order from the chancellor, this is grounds for treason and death.

Valk: I don't understan-

She takes a step back with a disturbed look on her face.

Valk: The force...there's something very wrong happening.

I hear the sounds of boots marching towards us. Thinking fast I push the General into a bush and sit down on the ground and hold my head.

Glade: Frost?

Y/N: She got away sir.

He takes a knee next to me and places his hand on my shoulder.

Glade: You alright?

Y/N: Yeah...just confused is all. What happened sir?

He offers me his hand and I take it. He pulls me up.

Glade: I'm not sure Captain, but orders are orders.

Y/N: Even if their wrong?

Glade: Right? Wrong? Black? White? It doesn't matter Frost. We're just cogs in a machine. Now where did the general go?

Y/N: She went deeper into the jungle sir.

Glade: C'mon then.

He hands me two new pistols and I holster them.

Y/N: I'll lead a scouting party. If we spilt up we'll have a better chance at finding her.

Glade: Sounds good to me.

And so we split our forces. Glade leading his group to actually find her while I lead mine on a wild goose chase. We go deeper into the jungle when a sharp boom rips through our ranks and a clone drops dead.

Clone: Wookiee's!

Y/N: Take cover!

We dive behind rocks and tree stumps and fire up into the trees. But one by one everyone's cut down.

Y/N: Shit!

I get up only to be knocked to the ground by a bow caster blast. My head hits the ground hard and everything goes black. I find myself reliving past events.


I'm in Oblivion's torture room barely clinging to consciousness.

Oblivion: Now this.

He shows me a drill of some kind.

Oblivion: Now this is going to hurt you a lot clone.

And he drills into the side of my head. I scream in pain as the drill tears apart my flesh until it hits something that isn't flesh nor bone.

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