Battle field prep.

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Let's frick fracking go and see what our favorite clanker killing badass is up to

Y/N's POV:

I march through the rugged terrain with Jaeger. Our objective is to find two escape pods that were seen falling in the current directions we're headed to.

Jaeger: So I gotta ask.

I look back at him while still walking.

Jaeger: Why is it you volunteered us to go find the farthest pods? Isn't that why your a higher up? So you don't have to do this kinda stuff?

Y/N: Lead by example. If i continue to prove my worth to the men they're more likely to follow my orders with more heart.

That and I have a lot on my mind but Jaeger doesn't need to know that.

Jaeger: I suppose. But why couldn't you assign me to gamma team? They have the closest pod.

Y/N: Because if I get shot at there's no other person I'd want watching my back aside from you. We've been through hell and back together.

Jaeger: Yeah well if I don't then the General's going to be pissed.

Y/N: Why do you say that?

I offer him my hand as I pull him up onto a ledge.

Jaeger: Well she seems quite keen towards you. Ever notice that?

Y/N: Can't say that I have.

Jaeger: So what do you think of her? Still think she sees us as pawns?

Y/N: Oh ha ha. No she's more than that.

I slide down a hill like a total badass and turn to see Jaeger tripped and rolls down the hill.

Jaeger: Ow...what do you mean?

Y/N: It's hard to explain honestly. But around her my chest tightens, my heart races, and I notice all the little things. Her scars, her smile, the way her eyes shine.

I trip over a root but manage to roll onto my feet to cover up my fail.

Jaeger: So you have romantic feelings for the General?

Y/N: That's the thing Jaeger. We were created for ware fare. We know nothing else but war. Even if I did have romantic feelings for the General I wouldn't know how to express them.

Jaeger: So you do have feelings for the General

Y/N: Your annoying.

Jaeger: Oh so you do?

I slug his shoulder and continue walking.

Y/N: And if I did?

Jaeger: I think you should tell her. Ya know just in case.

Y/N: Maybe...but the Jedi have this whole anti connection thing.

Jaeger: Well I never saw anything and im sure the legion wouldn't rat you two out.

Y/N: Thanks Jaeger.

Jaeger: Of course. I'm with you till the end of the line buddy.

I smile under my helmet as we come across a pod with a group of clones.

Y/N: I believe we found our missing clones.

We link up with them and learn that the two pods landed close to each other so they linked up. Luckily Sgt. Rook was with them so they had some form of command. And we start walking back. It's a long hike back to the village but it's not that bad. My mind is filled with one thing. The General.

Jaeger: Oh shit.

I turn to Jaegers direction and see he's pointing at something far off. He hands me his binoculars and I scope in to find a large droid army.

Y/N: Fuck. Okay men double time let's move!

We start jogging back to the village and make it within an hour. Although I'm winded I quickly report in to Glade.

Glade: Any idea on how large?

Y/N: We're looking at 4 to 1 numbers.

Glade: Damn. Okay.

He stands on a box.

Glade: Alright listen up boys!

We all gather round.

Glade: We have about an hour or so before those damn clankers get here. And I'll be damned if they think they actually have a chance to beat us. We're facing 4 to 1 odds. We may be out numbered and out gunned. But we can and will do this. Gamma team get to work on digging trenches. Beta team I want you to set up mortars from all the supplies we managed to salvage. Jaeger you are to set up a medic tent to treat our wounded. Castle team I want you to set up in the mountains behind us and act as snipers, aim for their commanders. Everyone else start figuring out how to make yourselves useful.

We all start getting to work helping in anyway we can. I manage to get the civilians away from where the fighting is going to be. Afterwards I start setting up foxholes. So far our defenses consist of a large trench that can hold at least 50 of us at a time. Machine Gun nests. Snipers. Artillery. And a large infantry unit.

Y/N: We're gonna need a lot more cover...Beta team do a me a favor and fire a mortar at the mountain.

They don't even question me and do as their told. Large rocks fall down onto the battle field.

Y/N: Alright Dogma team help me move these around so we can have some cover yeah?

We start to move the rocks around. A clone from Beta comes up to me and informs me we have land mines we can use.

Y/N: Perfect.

I go ahead and set up the mines so that when they blow they'll move debris creating a bottle neck gap. Perfect for us.

Y/N: Alright this is as good as it'll get.

I get back to the village and order whoever isn't working to get to the trenches and help expand it.

Glade: It's all coming together ain't it?

Y/N: Yeah it sure is. Think we can hold off?

Glade: I know we can hold off.

Y/N: Did we ever find out where we are?

Glade: The locals call this place "The Garden"

Y/N: Pretty name.

I hear the sounds of far off marching.

Y/N: You ready boss?

The General stands in between us.

Valk: I am. Glade?

Glade: I'm as ready as I'll be.

Valk: Frost?

Y/N: Born ready ma'am.

Glade: How about another one of those inspirational speeches? Last one helped us gain momentum on Survos.

Y/N: If it'll help.

I walk into the open and everyone turns to me. I clear my throat and start talking.

Y/N: Here we will stand and fight. There will be no withdrawal. I will see to it that no plans or instructions dealing with retreat, will be uttered. We will stand and fight here. If we can't stay here alive, then let us stay here dead.

I see the troops raise their weapons in air as the marching grows louder. I step behind cover and pull out my duel pistols. Glade gets behind nearby cover.

Glade: Lets show them that Survos was no fluke.

Aaaand scene

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