From the ashes of defeat

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Let's just my guys.

Y/N's POV:

I stand at the mouth of the cave with Jaeger.

Jaeger: Sir?

I turn my head to him.

Y/N: Uhh jaeger you don't have to call me sir. I'm still just Frost. It wasn't that long ago we were all new to the war.

Jaeger: Err Frost. Do you think there are any survivors still in Big Red?

Y/N: Hopefully.

Glade: Blizzards hit. Nows our chance. Meet at point Bravo.

Y/N: Copy that.

I turn to everyone.

Y/N: Alright let's move out. I want the wounded carried in the middle of our formation.

And so we set out into the howling blizzard. I can't see more than 2 feet in front of me. The air chills my body to its core but if we stop we die.

Tank: Can't see anything in this storm.

Jaeger: Maybe we should turn on our helmets flashlights?

Y/N: Can't run the risk of the separatists tracking us down like that.

I hear some type of grumbling all around us.

Tank: What the?

Y/N: Wild life. Keep moving and they won't bother us.

We push through the blizzard making it to the rendezvous point. I see a cave with light and figure that's where Glade's at.

Y/N: In the cave lets go.

We walk in to find the rest of our legion around a fire sharing some rations.

Y/N: Commander.

Glade: Frost good to see you.

Y/N: You to sir.

Glade: Look things aren't looking good for us. Republic doesn't even know we've crashed or that we're stranded.

Y/N: Our only hope of getting out of here is to capture the city and use its comms to reach the closest cruiser. But we don't have the men or fire power for that.

Glade: Yet. We don't have it yet.

Y/N: What do you mean sir?

Glade: Well we've yet to check Big Red. It still has troops and vehicles on board.

Y/N: But will it be enough?

Glade: It'll have to be enough.

Y/N: Right. I say we do send a small scouting party.

Glade: I'll lead it. I want you here watching over our wounded.

Y/N: Copy that. Tank your with the commander.

Tank: Hoorah.

Glade: We'll be back.

And with that Commander Glade leaves with 5 other clones back into the blizzard to find any survivors.

Jaeger: Hey Frost?

Y/N: Hm?

Jaeger: Do you think the General is okay?

Y/N: I hope so.

The General. I haven't been so mad in life. She's being tortured in ways I can't even imagine and here I am, sitting in a cave clinging to a thread of hope.

Just Another Number जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें