Free man

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Leeeeeettttssss goooooooo

Y/N's POV:

The crowd roars in applause for me as I turn off Valk's lightsaber and turn to the tunnel and walk down it. I'm a free man once again.

Y/N: This is finally over.

The guards escort me out of the arena and I find Valk waiting for me outside. The second she sees me we run to each other. She jumps up and I catch her as we envelop each other in a hug.

Valk: You did it!

Y/N: Of course. I promised Tank I'd never surrender.

Valk: Well it's good to see you again.

She buries her head into the crook of my neck and we finally pull apart.

Valk: I got a transmission from Glade. We're needed back by tomorrow.

Y/N: Copy that boss.

She hits my shoulder and her shoulders bounce as she laughs.

Valk: You don't have to call me that when it's just us.

Y/N: Copy tha-....Okay.

She takes my hand and we start walking back towards the house. Along the way we come to a market place. The smells of food waft into my nose. My stomach growls begging to be fed.

Valk: Did they feed you in there?

Y/N: I had a slice of bread and some water. That's about it.

Valk: come on let's get you something to eat.

And so we go about trying the local cuisine. Needless to say it was best food I've ever had. We then go ahead and do some exploring. The dome life isn't that bad. I wouldn't mind living here one day.

Valk: How about some drinks?

Y/N: Alright I'm in.

She leads me into a bar and instantly people applaud me for my performance in the arena. Z

Y/N: Didn't know killing someone was that big a deal here.

Valk: I think your just too used to it.

Y/N: Maybe.

And so we sit down and people buy me drinks for my performance and Valk and I stay there for hours until we walk out of the bar slightly buzzed. Eventually we make it home and sit on the couch. I have my arm wrapped around her as she leans into my chest. Soft music plays in the background.

Valk: You know despite everything that's happened in the last couple days, I'm still glad we came.

Y/N: Yeah me too.

We sit in comfortable silence.

Valk: Frost?

Y/N: Hm?

Valk: Your name.

Y/N: What about it?

Valk: Here on Mandalor Frost means Y/N. And Y/N is usually associated with courage and valor.

Y/N: Well I have done some crazy shit.

Valk: You have. Would you mind if I called you Y/N? in private?

Y/N: Not at all.

Once again comfortable silence envelopes us. The day turn to night.

Valk: Well lets get to bed then.

Y/N: Yeah, suppose we should.

She takes my hand and leads me into our room. She pauses for a moment before turning to me and nodding.

Valk: I'm ready.

Y/N: For what?

Valk: For you to see me vulnerable.

She slips off her nightgown and in the artificial moonlight I can see everything. Her beautiful skin shines in the pale light of the moon. Her eyes sparkle just like the Kamino oceans on a calm day. But it's not her breasts that catch my eye yet it's the scars that line her toned body. I find myself taking off my own clothes as well. My heart racing. She takes my hands and leads me to the bed.

Timeskip! Ha y'all thought for a second you'd get a lemon!

I stir awake as a bright light hits my eyes. In my arms is the beautiful woman I call Valk. Last night was something else and something I'd never forget. And we lay there for awhile. I study all her features and find myself falling more and more in love with her. But eventually she wakes.

Valk: Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning.

We get out of bed and get dressed. Then we eat a light breakfast before heading back to our parked ship.

Valk: I'm gonna miss this place.

Y/N: Then let's come back, after the war ends that is.

Valk: I think I'd like that.

We step into the ship and I see my clone armor. Smiling I put it back on. Mandalorian armor may have been incredible but it'll never be as important to me as this armor.

Valk: Yeah that's definitely your armor.

I nod my head as we start to head back to the legion. After a quick hyper jump we reach our boys. When I step off I see Jaeger and Glade waiting for us.

Glade: Captain, General. Good to see you two back.

Jaeger: So how was it?

Y/N: It was...eventful.

Jaeger: Well now that your here we're getting ready to head back to the front lines.

Glade: We're needed on the planet of Kashyk.

Y/N: The Wookiee planet?

Glade: That's an affirmative. We leave in the next 2 hours.

Y/N: Copy that sir.

Jaeger: Can't wait to see those hairy things in action. But I'm not well versed in their anatomy so I don't think I'd be of any use helping and of their injured.

Y/N: Don't sweat it. Go get ready.

Jaeger: Copy that.

Everyone scrambles around getting ready while I stand with Glade.

Glade: So what did you do on Mandalor?

Y/N: Fought a Rancor and Acklay.

Glade: So you did get yourself into trouble then. Should've figured.

Y/N: I suppose. So what exactly are we doing on Kashyk?

Glade: It's under attack by separatist forces. And we've gotta help our allies.

Y/N: Copy that boss.

Aaaaaaand scene

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